The New Year's Eve Dance (I Will Survive)

The New Year's Eve Dance (I Will Survive)

Never forget the music that is the soundtrack of our lives, for if we let the music die, something inside us dies along with it…for Mary…

Bill hated this time of year. He kept thinking about how much he hated it as he got himself ready for the dance that evening. It would do him good to get out though. Bill couldn’t remember the last time he had been to a dance. It was his friend Sam who had talked him into going out tonight. There was a New Year's Eve singles dance tonight at a local Sheraton Hotel and Sam thought it would do his friend some good. It had been a while since Bill had been to anything similar and he reluctantly agreed to Sam’s request. For some reason he had been reluctant to get back into the dating scene since his wife died over two years ago. He did have to admit though, as he stood in front of the mirror in his dress shirt and slacks, that he still looked pretty good for a guy of fifty. He was still in good shape and the touch of gray around his temples perhaps lent a certain dignity to his ruggedly handsome face.

In a little while Bill’s friend Sam arrived and the two men headed off to the dance. Bill reflected on his situation as he sat in the passenger seat of the car. He had lost his wife to illness a little over two years ago. Their social life had mostly revolved around her family. Bill had moved up to the N.Y. area a long time ago with his job. All his relatives were still down south. He gradually lost touch with his in-laws and felt funny calling them since his wife passed. He was thankful his friend Sam, a divorced guy he knew from work, gave him a call and invited him along. He did not have real high expectations, but at least he wouldn’t be spending another New Year's Eve alone in front of the TV with a six-pack.

In short order the two men arrived at the dance and went inside. They paid the nominal admission fee and made their way to the banquet room. The room was decorated in a rather festive manor, with big balloons and colorful ribbons appropriate for the holidays. A hired DJ was playing old school dance music, or disco as we used to call it, over a large PA system. After a few moments Sam spoke.

“Let’s head over to the bar.” said Sam.

“Oh, I’m with you bother.” replied Bill.

The bar was relatively crowded and it was standing room only. For the most part the women occupied the chairs while the men huddled around, drinks in hand, like vultures waiting on the death of their prey.

The two men ordered drinks and took their place amongst the well-dressed vultures. Bill had managed to position himself in close proximity to a fairly attractive blonde sitting at the bar. After some brief conversation, he quickly realized she seemed to be more in love with her drink than she would ever be with him.

After a couple of drinks, Bill excused himself from any semblance of conversation they may have had and decided to take a walk around the room. He gave a sort of nod and point to Sam who was busy chatting up a well-dressed gal perched in a bar stool. He figured Sam understood the message.

The music was loud but not quite so overpowering that you couldn’t talk. That was a plus. There was a mirrored disco ball hanging from the ceiling and subtly changing light schemes, in bright colors as would suit the holidays, alternately reflected off it as it slowly revolved.

Bill walked slowly around the big room taking in the sites. ‘I’m Your Boogie Man’ by KC & The Sunshine Band blared out of the big rented PA speakers as dancers made their way onto the floor.

Bill continued his slow easy pace until something caught his eye. Make that someone. Along the wall in the back of the room was an attractive girl around his age talking to another gal. She had stylishly short blonde hair and strikingly blue eyes. She held up a glass of white wine which seemed to almost match her blonde locks. Their eyes met as Bill made his casual approach and his glance was returned with an approving smile. Bill excused himself for any interruption he may have caused to the conversation the two women were having.

“Would you like to dance?” Bill casually inquired.

The attractive blonde glanced momentarily at her friend as if hoping to get a second opinion. Her friend seemed to give a look of approval.

“Sure.” She answered, “By the way, I’m Ann.”

“I’m Bill.” Was the reply.

The two made their way onto the dance floor as ‘Dance, Dance, Dance’ by Chic started to play.

“Dance, dance, dance.” Ann said with a smile.

“Yowsa, yowsa, yowsa!” Bill repeated at the appropriate time along with the song, “I never understood what that meant though.”

His partner laughed with a big grin.

“I remember all these songs from when I was in high-school.” She said.

“Me too.” Answered Bill, “If I had known it was disco tonight I would have worn my leisure suit.”

The two stayed on the floor as ‘Funky Town’ by Lipps Inc. began to play.

“I used to like this.” Ann said.

“Do you remember who did this?” Bill asked.

“Not offhand.” Ann smiled.

“Read my lips.” Bill joked. It was lost on Ann for the moment.

The two continued their moves as the song played on. As the song started with the refrain ‘Gotta move on.’ Ann muttered something.

“You know that’s right.”

“What?” Inquired Bill.


After that number, the two dancers made their way off the dance floor.

Bill and Ann talked for quite a while. The conversation flowed easy. Both were about the same age and shared a lot in common. Bill told Ann about the death of his wife. Ann related her story about how her husband had left her and how difficult she often found it to be on her own. She admitted to Bill how hard it was for her around the holidays and she found herself crying often at this time. Bill fully understood.

“Do you remember the days when life seemed so new and it seemed like we had the whole world open to us, like we could do anything?” Ann started, “This music takes me back to those times.”

Once again, Bill understood completely.

Once again the two made their way onto the floor. Bill and Ann looked in each other’s eyes as they danced through the night. As each new song played, the two would often shout the words as if creating a new soundtrack for a new life which was about to unfold.

“I believe in miracles, since you came along. You sexy thing.” Ann practically cooed as she looked at Bill.

“Where did you come from baby? How did you know I needed you?” Bill answered back.

Bill was actually having a good time around a holiday for the first time in a while.

As Johnny Taylor’s ‘Disco Lady’ blared from the PA, once again Bill could not help but sing along.

“Girl, you drive me crazy,
You dance so fine and you’re right on time,
Girl, you’re driving me out of my mind.”

His exuberance almost getting the best of him, Bill paused to wonder if his show of joy was a bit much. He was really enjoying Ann’s company, of that there could be no doubt.

The night soon was coming to a close. It was getting late. Ann’s friend had mentioned she wanted to go home soon and Ann was the one driving. Bill sort of snuck Ann off to the side and suggested that they get together, perhaps for dinner the following evening. Bill could barely contain his delight as Ann gave him her number.

Bill found his friend Sam, still not far from the bar, as ‘Play That Funky Music’ by Wild Cherry threatened to drown out the conversation. Bill had another drink with his friend and afterwards the two men headed home. During the drive home, Bill could not help but show his enthusiasm as the men shared the car ride.

The following evening was New Year’s Day. The irony was not completely lost on Bill as he readied himself for his date with Ann. New year, new start. How appropriate. As he finished getting ready and headed over to pick up Ann, Bill’s head started to flood with thought’s of doubt. He wondered if he would ever really find love again. He even wondered sometimes if he deserved it. He found the loss of his wife tough, but somehow he seemed to find starting over even tougher.

He soon arrived at Ann’s home. Bill parked the car and headed up the steps. He wondered if she would look as good as he remembered. He rang the bell.

Moments later Ann appeared at the door. She looked absolutely stunning in a blue dress which seemed to match her blue eyes. Silver diamond earrings dangled seductively from her ears amidst the blonde curls. The only other jewelry Bill could see was a pearl necklace hanging not far above her bosom.

“Are you ready?” Ann asked.

“I thought that was my line.” Bill answered, “Um, yes.”

Bill grabbed Ann’s hand as he escorted her to his car. Moments later the two arrived at a cozy Italian restaurant that Ann had suggested.

“The food is great here.” Ann reiterated.

“I should certainly hope so.” Bill responded.

The two made their way inside and were soon seated at an elegantly decorated table with a small candle holder in the center. The waiter soon came by to light the candle and take their drink order. After selecting a bottle of wine, soon brought out by the steward, Bill proposed a toast.

“Happy New Year, to a fine and lovely lady.”

“A new year, a new life.” Was the reply.

“One can only hope.”

The conversation soon started to flow, just as it had the evening before. The food was soon brought out and there was a lot of sharing of food and warm words. The laughter soon followed, as casual conversation was punctuated with sudden touching and sly glances.

As dinner ended, Bill inquired of Ann as to how the desserts were in this restaurant. He was sort of in the mood for some good Italian pastry. The response he received was not what he had expected, but welcome nonetheless.

“We could skip dessert here and have dessert back at my place.” Ann leaned over and cooed.

Now that might even be tastier than pasty, Bill thought to himself. Bill got the check, paid the tab and led Ann by the hand back outside. In short order they were back at Ann’s place.

“Thanks for dinner, it was wonderful.” Ann said as she fumbled for the key.

“Yes it was, but I expect dessert will be even nicer.” Bill replied with a grin, “I’ve always been a dessert kind of guy.”

In moments the two entered the house like newlyweds crossing the threshold. Ann grabbed Bill’s hand and led him inside. Once inside, Ann flipped on a small light and led Bill over to the sofa.

“Wait here, I’ll be right back.” She said, “Make yourself comfortable. Take your shoes off.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Bill replied confidently as he removed his shoes, as told.

Ann soon returned with two glasses of red wine and a candle which she lit and placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

“You know those songs last night.” Ann started in a somber tone, “They brought back memories of the best times in my life. I really enjoyed last night.”

“Me too.” Bill replied, “Sometimes I wish I could go back.”

“You can never go back, but you can go forward.” Ann answered, “To us.”

“To us.” Bill repeated as he raised his glass.

“Do you think you can join me in another dance?” Ann asked sweetly, “I’ve always liked this record.”

Ann went over to the stereo and put on a CD. Moments later, the sound of Donna Summer’s ‘I Feel Love’ were coming out of the speakers and filling the room. Ann turned to face Bill and kicked off the blue heels she wore to match her dress. She gave him an absolutely devilish grin and slowly and seductively walked towards him. The candlelight flickered in her deep blue eyes as Bill rose off the sofa to join her in the middle of the floor. Their hands soon locked and then their lips as their bodies pulsed and swayed with the music. Their coming together was like two ships in the night somehow destined to meet.

As the music pulsed, a flood of emotion overcame Bill. He somehow felt like a prisoner, newly paroled who had just been given a new lease on life. He was overcome with delight as every probing exploration, every move, every favor was returned in full. His delicate parting of her lips with his tongue was met with hers as each began to explore each other as neither had allowed themselves to do for some time. He gently teased and bit her lower lip as soft moans of satisfaction filled his ears over the music playing in the background.

Bill once again stared into Ann’s deep blue eyes as she looked longingly back. He held her by the shoulders then reached back and unzipped her dress, soon relieving her of that obstruction. It fell amongst her feet as Ann graciously returned the favor by undoing the buttons on Bill’s shirt and again being so kind as to help him off with his pants. Soon the two bodies were in the middle of the room dressed only in their underwear, exploring each other’s bodies as perhaps neither has done in years. As the sounds of ’I Feel Love’ gently faded, Ann nuzzled her nose against Bill’s ear and softly spoke.

“I’ve always loved this next song.” She whispered.

In a moment, Donna Summer’s voice could once again be heard coming out of the speakers.

“Oooh…love to love you, baby.”

“Oooh…love to love you, baby.” Ann repeated the phrase softly into Bill’s ear as she began to run her fingers through his hair. Bill could still recognize a sign when he saw one.

“Is there a bedroom nearby?” He softly inquired.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Ann giggled back.

Ann took Bill’s hand and led him into the other room. He hoisted her onto the large bed as once again their lips locked. Bill reached back and unfastened Ann’s bra and tossed it aside. The sight of her somewhat ample breasts and beautiful engorged nipples caused Bill to pause for a moment to take in the beauty that lie before him. He began to fondle her breast while he resumed his kisses from her delicate ear lobes and traced slowly down her neck, eventually his lips arriving to meet his fingertips where he had begun to tease her nipples. He traced his tongue in circles around her nipples, paying attention to each one. His lips did the same, taking each one between them in a delicate tease.

Momentarily, Bill reached down and relieved himself of his underwear. He did the same for Ann as he inserted his fingers beneath the waistband of her panties and slid them over her soft, inviting thighs and up over her legs. He again took in the gorgeous sight that lie before his eyes before gently parting her legs and softly kissing along her inner thighs towards the prize that lie before him. He delicately kissed and stroked her lips with his as her soft hairs teased his face and her delicate scent filled his nostrils. His lip and tongue movements were soon joined by a couple of fingers as he applied pressure with firm strokes to the front of her love canal. Her moans and ever flowing love juices were sure signs his efforts were having the desired effect, as he gently kissed around her love button.

Bill knelt before Ann and slowly eased in his firm member. As he guided it inside, he began to thrust in a gradually quickening pace. Her soft, silky smooth love canal felt so good as it enveloped him and held him tight. It seemed as though his every thrust was met by Ann’s attempt to get closer to him, in an attempt to somehow join their two bodies together even more fully. His quickening pace was soon met with louder and more frequent moans of pleasure as her tightening muscles signaled she was coming nearly the same time as him. Moments later, the two lovers were overcome by a mutual state of bliss. Lovers, who were mere strangers just days before lie spent side by side on the big bed.

The two lie side by side in silence for some time. Finally, Bill spoke.

“Penny for your thoughts.” He said.

“I was just thinking how nice tonight was.” Ann started, “I always knew I would survive after my husband left, just that it would be hard.”

“Ah, ha.”

“I used to sing that Gloria Gaynor song to myself, you know the one,” Ann started, “I will survive, as long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay alive.”

“Ah, ha.” Bill muttered.

“Why, what are you thinking about?” Ann inquired.

“I’m just thinking I probably owe my friend Sam lunch or something for taking me to the dance.” Bill said without missing a beat.

Ann just sort of rolled over as the two resumed cuddling side by side on the bed.


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