Please Fuck Me Son! pt 2

Please Fuck Me Son! pt 2

Part 2…It would probably be better if you read part one first...

Eric slowly pushed me back on the bed and dropped to his knees. He spread my legs apart as he played with my nipples. When my legs were open, he leaned forward and slowly started to lick up and down my pussy. (I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know if he had ever done that before! If he had never eaten pussy before, than he was a natural!!) It felt so fucking good to have my son lick my pussy I thought I would cum right then! He took his time licking my clit and putting his tongue in my wet hole. “You taste so good Mom!” he said. It felt so good I couldn’t even respond with words, just moans. He reached up and put one of his fingers in my pussy and continued to lick me. He inserted another finger and started moving his hand back and forth faster and faster. I was about to cum all over my son’s face! The thought of that pushed me over the edge and I started cuming. He kept up the rhythm with his fingers and his tongue and wave after wave hit me until I finally had to push him away. He removed his fingers and licked my cum out of my pussy. I shuddered and came again on his tongue. I could hardly breath! He let me lay there and catch my breath as he slowly moved his hand all over my body. When my breathing slowed, he leaned close and whispered, “Mom, can I fuck you?” I looked him straight in the eye and said, “Please fuck me son!”

At that, he slowly climbed on top of me. I spread my legs wanting his cock buried deep inside me. He knelt there over me and just looked at me. I could fell his cock lightly touching my pussy lips. I thrust my hips up toward him. He didn’t move. I was begging for his cock in my mind and with my eyes as he looked down at me. I couldn't take it anymore, “Please! Please fuck me son!” He smiled at me and lined his cock up with my wet hole and slowly pushed his cock inside me. I swear it took him five minutes to push it all the way inside of me! I was groaning and moaning, thrusting my hips up, wrapping my legs around him, all trying to get his cock deep in my pussy! I couldn’t believe how much control he had! If I hadn’t wanted it bad before, I was begging for it now!

He slowly started fucking me with short steady strokes. His eyes never left my face. As he picked up speed, his strokes grew longer and longer. I couldn’t believe he was going to make me cum again! He never stopped as a came all over my sons cock. He fucked me straight through my orgasm! When I was done, he stopped moving and leaned down to once again take my nipples in his mouth. He nibbled and tugged and licked and sucked. I felt like I was floating! Finally, he looked at me and said, “Mom, I’m going to cum inside you now.” “Oh yes son!" I said, "Cum inside me! I want to feel your cum inside me! I have wanted that for so long!” He moaned and I could feel his cum filling my pussy as he continued to thrust his cock deep inside me. He just kept going and going! I couldn't believe how much he had cum! I was in heaven having so much of his cum inside me! He let out a contented sigh, leaned down and kissed me and said, “I love you mom!” I replied, “I love you too son!”

He laid down beside me and was running his fingers through my hair. It felt so go but I just couldn't help it. I just had to taste my cum and his cum together on his cock. I got on my knees and started to lick his cock and his balls. "Holy shit Mom! That feel so fucking good!" he said. "Mmmm!" I replied, "We taste so good together! Mom and son!" I sat up and gave him a long kiss so he could taste us together as well. I could feel his cock starting to grow again. I took his cock in my mouth and sucked it until it was hard again. I crawled on top of him and slid his cock into my pussy. I was sitting on my sons cock! It was as amazing as I thought it would be! I slowly started rocking my hips back and forth enjoying the feeling. I knew it wouldn't take him long to cum in this position, so I would go for a bit and than stop. I could tell he was building up to cum. His breath quicken and I could sense frustration. I giggled. Afterall, he had made me ask for it!! After he heard me giggle, he figured out what I was doing. He said, "oh ya?" and closed his eyes trying to hold back. After several times of starting and stoping, he grabbed my hips and moved me back and forth and up and down on his cock, totally lost in his own rhythm and just going with the feeling of his cock in my pussy. We both came at the same time and I collapsed on his chest. I stayed on top of him for a while, just enjoying the feeling. I rolled off and stood up. I didnt bother putting my dress back on, but I did pick it up.

We were both spent after all that fucking so I told him goodnight and quickly went and crawled in bed with my husband. I snuggled up close to him and said, “I have something for you!”….He turned to me and smiled. "Hmmm..." he said. "I wonder what it could be!"

To be continued!

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