Manga Modeling

Manga Modeling

This is NOT my story I loved reading it and thought I'd share it with everyone here. if you don't know what yuri is it's basically lesbians.

some background:
Tamura is a yuri manga artist that has a propensity of seeing her two friends making lesbian sex in her head

Patty is an American who transferred to Japan to be closer to her otaku mecca, she works with Konata in a cosplay cafe and likes to dress her friends in various outfits.

Yutaka is a sickly, frail and tiny girl. As she spends so much time being sick she is feels like a burden to all around her. She lives with her cousin Konata as shes closer to school and is less strenuous to her health.

Minami is a shy reserved girl with a flat chest complex. She's a nurturing and caring friend to Yutaka as she's an apprentice nurse she often worries about her sickly little friend.

If you've got the time watch the "Seinfeld" of the anime world! It about absolutely nothing but still is good for some lolz! And now her a heart warming story of how to friends tickle their way into a very different relationship......

"And this is my room." Tamura waved the girls over as she opened the door.

"Make yourselves comfortable." The brunette gestured waved in.

"Tamura's room is so western!" Yutaka exclaimed, curious green eyes darting all over the room. On the far side of the room, perpendicular to the door was a somewhat high-sitting western bed, the hint of a pillow bulging out from under a deep purple comforter. Matching purple curtains hung over the bed, a large window giving the room a comfortable backlight. Bookshelves, overflowing with manga and assorted trinkets covered the near wall between the door and the bed. "Wow, you have so many!" the short girl beamed, running her hand along the carefully positioned books as she scanned all of the titles.

Minami stepped shyly into the room next, unused to paying visits to friends she carefully looked the room over for any cues. A light student's desk covered with a plethora of memos was immediately to her right; loose paper was piled at odd angles on either side yet the desk was surprisingly clean in the center. In the corner past the desk stood a small table, a small TV/VCR resting atop it. Opposite of the bookshelves was a plain wall covered in posters, the only thing of interest a purple curtain that hung from floor to ceiling. Taking a few steps inside, the lanky girl came to a low table, which sat on a pale red rug, a surprisingly Japanese centerpiece in the otherwise western room. Minami stepped around the small square table, sitting down as Patty finally caught up to the others.

The blonde entered the room slowly, dragging a suitcase on wheels in behind her. Patty stood the case carefully by the bookshelf, the bulging bag wobbling precariously as the unbalanced and over-packed container struggled with gravity. Standing up, she exaggeratedly wiped her brow. "That was tough coming up the stairs." Resting her hands on her wide hips, Patty looked around the room herself. "Nice place." she remarked simply, beginning to pore over the bookshelves herself. Tugging one of the books out, she peered curiously at Tamura. "So this is where you keep the good stuff?" the blonde pointed into the gap left behind.

"Never mind that!" Tamura nervously smirked as she closed the door. "Shouldn't you get started on the costumes?" the artist deftly nabbed the loose manga volume from Patty, quickly changing the topic at the same time. Replacing the volume, she added "You are the 'Costume Director' after all."

Patty giggled in response, "You'll really put that in the credits?"

"If you really want your name on it…" the brunette nodded slowly.

"Why wouldn't she?" Yutaka peered up at the two smiling, having managed to sneak suddenly into the conversation.

"Because it's a mmph!" the blonde was cut off by Tamura's hand.

"Because… most people use pen names or circle names." Tamura nodded vigorously. "Right, Patty?" the artists glasses glinted threateningly.

"Well… that is true." the blonde conceded, tugging Tamura's hand away. Giving a pout, she sighed. "Okay! Let's start." Bits and edges poked from the suitcase as Patty tugged the zipper down, a frill here, a fold there. The other three girls watched in wonder as the blonde unhesitatingly dove elbow-deep into the mess, rummaging happily in the mess. "Ah! Found one." Patty exclaimed, tugging a surprisingly long and unwrinkled teal shirt from the mess. Holding it up by a hanger, the tips of black cloth poked from below the shirt. "Minami's first." she grinned as she held up the shirt-pant combo victoriously. Bounding over to the sitting girl, she laid the clothes on the table. "Okay, strip!" she enthused as she tugged on Minami's uniform.

The tall girl clamped her arms across her chest, blushing furiously at the sudden assault. "I-I…" she stammered.

"You can use the closet, it's big enough." Tamura pointed at the long purple curtain behind the two girls.

"Ohh." Patty turned, tugging the curtain open she glanced in, nodding in satisfaction. "Then this will be my office." Grabbing the hanger, and Minami's arm she started dragging the thin girl to her feet. "Minami for her costuming appointment? Right this way." The blonde intoned playfully as she pulled the teal-haired girl to her feet. The two girls disappeared into the closet, Minami nearly stumbling inside before Patty quickly pulled the drape close.

Yutaka watched on curiously while Tamura shook her head in amazement. "That girl is nuts about costumes…" she thought to herself. Tugging her sketchpad expertly from the unstable mess of her desk, she grabbed a handful of pencils from a drawer. Sitting down cross-legged at the low table, she faced towards the bed. Flipping to a fresh page, she lay the book on the table, placing the pencils on the smooth tabletop.

Yutaka sat down to Tamura's left, excitedly watching the curtain for any signs of action. Glancing downward she picked up one of the peculiar pencils. The numbers and markings made no sense to her. "Ehhh, so you use all of these to draw manga?" inquired Yutaka as she rolled the other pencils back and forth over the low table.

"Well, most of them anyway… I'll only use a few today for sketching you two though." responded Tamura as she scratched out a lead on scrap-paper, bringing it to a smooth point.

"So, what kind of story is it?" Yutaka asked nonchalantly, now clicking one of the mechanical pencils idly.

Tamura stiffened at the question, her lead snapping against the paper with a small pop. "Ahh, well… It's a story about two really good friends taking… care of each other."

"How nice. Minami always takes care of me. Is that why you asked us?" the short girl gave a sweet smile.

"Erk, well, something like that." Tamura replied, turning her head and averting her eyes, doubts about what she was doing suddenly resurfacing. "But it's such a good story, and it might sell really well." she mentally reassured herself. "I wonder how things are going in there?" she said as she glanced at the curtain that was draped across her walk-in closet's door, now as an impromptu dressing room.

Patty had managed to get managed to get Minami down to her underwear, which surprisingly consisted of only a pair of sky-blue panties. The teal-haired girl stood before Patty, her arms folded over her humble chest. "... No bra?" the blonde asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"I… don't want to squish them… they might not… grow." Minami murmured, her long awkward body squirming under the blonde's curious gaze.

"Well, it would've shown anyway with this shirt…" Patty shrugged. "Hold out your arms?" The pale girl did as ordered, closing her eyes in embarrassment as she exposed her small chest. Minami simply followed the bigger girl's nudges as she was guided into her so-called costume.

"So what kind of costumes are they?" Yutaka asked excitedly, tapping a pencil alternately between tabletop and an eraser.

"I haven't seen them either." Tamura sighed nervously. "I hope it isn't too outlandish either…" she thought. "I wonder how long it will take?" she asked, continuing the small talk.

Patty gave a tug on Minami's shirt, pulling out the odd wrinkles, a jolt which brought the distracted girl's attention back from the conversation outside to the blonde ahead of her.

"Okay! A look like this will be a big hit." quipped Patty, in her characteristically awkward speech. Nodding to herself, she half-patted and half-pushed Minami's shoulder, turning her towards the standing mirror. "You can open 'em now."

Squaring herself, the teal-haired girl opened her eyes, and started from the bottom; her bare feet and ankles gave way to a pair of loose-fitting pants. Patty had rolled them up to mid-calf, giving them the appearance of being quite baggy below the knee. "It looks like the pants those swashbucklers wear on television." she thought to herself. Hanging loosely over her hips was the hem of a teal shirt made of a soft fabric, "Almost like pajamas." she thought. The cloth fell slack over her stomach and chest she noted regrettably as she continued looking herself over, but otherwise ended in a normal collar.

"… That's all?" Minami breathed with a near sigh of relief. When Patty had dragged her behind the curtain she'd been a lot more worried, especially with how quickly and expertly she'd been disrobed. When Tamura had asked Yutaka and her to model for her latest manga, she thought they might be in for something more embarrassing, like super-hero costumes or animal suits, especially after Patty had gotten involved with the costuming.

"Yep, yep. That's all. Give it a whirl and look-see." Patty grinned excitedly.

"Okay." Minami gave a little nod, before taking a half step back, lifting her arms and twisting her torso while she watched herself in the mirror. A sudden sweep of cloth tickled her stomach, her eyes widening as the shirt fell loosely open, exposing a wide expanse of her pale skin, revealing everything up to her second rib. Her hands reflexively clutched at the shirt, fingers sliding up and down the cloth searching for the buttons Patty must have missed.

"Oooh. Perfect! Let's-a-go!" The blonde said, with a little whistle, too much admiration for Minami's comfort, as she began to half-pat and half-push on the shyer girl's shoulder, turning her towards the curtain.

"W-wait… some buttons must've fallen off." Minami stammered, fingers now tightly tugging the shirt closed, unable to find neither buttons nor zipper.

"Did it?" asked Patty, leaning around Minami's side, "No, it's still on there. C'mon, c'mon! I have to get Yutaka in here next."

Patty pulled the curtain aside and gave another light push, Minami half-stumbled into Tamura's bedroom, her arms crossed awkwardly over her chest as she tried to cover her long and slender midriff. She stood straight slowly, her eyes half-hidden behind her bangs as a blush crept across her pale cheeks. She'd always been sensitive about her chest and tummy, favoring baggy clothes to give a curvier appearance. The tall girl shifted her weight, and turned slightly, trying to hide what she could, but the shirt betrayed her, opening loosely and exposing a small triangle of smooth skin, dimpled by her shallow navel.

"Oooh. Minami looks so cool." Yutaka said excitedly.

Tamura's knee banged against the table at the girl's remark, and she gave a quick laugh, scratching the back of her head. "Yeah… It looks even better than I thought it would."

"See, I told you so! Patty knows these things." the blonde grinned, puffing out her chest.

"Do I get to wear something cool like that, too?" Yutaka popped up excitedly, bounding over towards the pair of girls. Minami shrunk away from the smaller girl as she approached, her embarrassment rising as she grew nearer. Yutaka leaned this way and that, a finger on her chin as she looked over the outfit. A small hand gently reached forward and lightly stroked the teal material. Ticklishly soft fabric scratched against the top of the tall girl's slender hip, eliciting a light shiver. "Ohh, it's so soft." Yutaka remarked, putting more force in her strokes, enjoying the feel of the material. Minami bit her lip and shuddered, turning her back while blushing a furious crimson. Yutaka looked up worriedly, but before she could say anything Patty had a hold of her hand.

"Now let's see what we can find for you!" Patty sounded off, enthusiastically bounding over to her costume case, the pink-haired girl stumbling behind her. Some quick one-handed rummaging and Patty produced a tangle of tangerine and white cloth. "Found it." The big foreigner grinned, waving her prize. Dragging Yutaka across the room again, Patty brushed the curtain aside with a grandiose sweep of her arms before leading the smaller girl in with a sudden long stride that almost sent Yutaka tumbling.

Tamura rubbed her knee under the table, nervously glancing at the tense back of Minami, pale hands clutching at her sides, almost as if she were hugging herself. "You can sit anywhere you like…" She forced herself to say politely, unsure of how to act with the current tension.

"… Thanks." Minami replied almost inaudibly. Not wanting to turn around, she took the few steps to Tamura's bed, sitting slowly, her arms never leaving her side. As she settled down the front of the shirt split, she had sat on the hem, pulling it open. Shooting up with a start, she blushed anew. "I'll stand." The slender girl nervously shifted from foot to foot.

"Ahh... Okay." Tamura nodded, the only sound in the room the tapping of her pencil against the table as she nervously fidgeted. "Minami was always kind of hard to approach…" Tamura mentally lamented. "But she's always the first one there for Yutaka, I guess." Tamura mused thoughtfully. The artist's daydream grew more detailed, as she found herself spiraling into yet another fantasy. Those two sitting astride a white horse, Minami dressed in a regal prince's wear, Yutaka in a flowing yellow gown. The small girl sat in the lap of the bigger, pink hair whipping in the wind as she looking up adoringly at the bigger. The prince hugged his princess's waist, and lowered his head, kissing the princess. "And then…" the artist's pencil tapped with increasing tempo as her fantasy grew more and more lurid.

The rattle of brass rings sliding across the curtain-rod broke the awkward silence as Patty slid open the curtain partway. Tamura crashed back to reality with a bang as she banged both knees against the underside of the table. The blonde peeked out with a mischievous look on her face. "Patty presents…" she said in her best showboating voice before throwing the curtain open, "Yutaka!" The smaller girl made a small leap out; Patty's enthusiasm seeming to have rubbed off on her.

"Ta-da!" Yutaka grinned, striking a pose. She wore a very loose white top, something that might have been a tight and high cut halter-top on Patty was instead a loose and flowing sleeveless blouse on Yutaka. She spun around once, her loose tangerine skirt twirling out around her before sticking her hand out in a V-sign. "How do I look?"

Tamura looked Yutaka over appraisingly; Patty had dressed them both in simple styles, both of them wearing loose and comfortable outfits. Minami was framed with straight lines, accentuating her tall and slender frame, while wearing cool colors, bringing her "edge" to the forefront. Meanwhile Yutaka wore flowing clothes, and bright colors, highlighting her youth and cuteness. Swallowing dryly, the artist said in a cracked voice, "It's… perfect." She spoke honestly, surprised at Patty's talent.

"Yeah! It looks good!" Patty exclaimed giving a big thumbs up and a knowing wink to Tamura.

"How is it, Minami?" Yutaka turned toward the taller girl imploringly, wringing her hands together; the cuteness melting the cool girl's embarrassment instantly.

"It's very cute, Yutaka." Minami said in a quiet voice.

"I was hoping to wear something cool like Minami… This is kind of normal…" Yutaka ended in a murmur, Patty's borrowed enthusiasm beginning to wane.

The image of Yutaka in Minami's clothes shot through Tamura's mind, her hand thumping against the table as her imagination recoiled, "No, no, no, no, no, no! This is perfect Yutaka. Absolutely perfect. Trust me." She nodded repeatedly, doing her best to assure her friend.

Yutaka gave a cute smile "'Kay," she vocalized with a nod. "So, what should we do now?"

"Ah, right. Well, first why don't you two stand side by side, so I can sketch out proportions?" Tamura smiled as she began to relax, the artist in her beginning to take over.

The two models sidled closer to each other, watching Tamura response. "Is this okay?" Yutaka asked, glancing between Minami and Tamura.

"Mm-hmm. I'll do Yutaka first. You don't have to stand too still, so don't worry too much if you move." She said half absent-mindedly as she began sketching out Yutaka's figure.

Patty padded over to the bookshelves. Taking advantage of Tamura's distraction, she expertly pulled out a few volumes before reaching back into the gap to get to the books which lay flat against the shelf wall. Patty pulled out a book, hesitating as she looked over the cover; two schoolgirls sitting on a bench together holding hands while staring blankly outwards. "Well if she draws it she must read it too I guess…" Patty thought, throwing a sly look over her shoulder at the oblivious Tamura. "I've never really read too much yuri… But I guess it fits today." Doujinshi in tow, she lay down beside the table, flipping the book open. The blonde soon settled into a rhythm of page-turning, accompanying it with the absent-minded humming of some anime song.

The room grew quiet, only the scratching of lead on paper, Patty's humming, and the occasional page turn breaking the silence. Tamura would glance up from time to time, tilting her head to get a better view. Finally she nodded to herself, Yutaka was done. Shifting her view to Minami, she said "Minami, can you put your arms at your sides? I can't draw your proportions with your arms in the way bunched up like that."

"I… uhm…" Minami stammered, drawing an upward glance from Yutaka.

"Don't worry, it's fun!" Yutaka grinned at her, giving a light tug on her sleeve. "Being a model is easy!"

The tall girl found herself powerless to resist. Yutaka seemed to be having so much fun, she couldn't bring herself to ruin it. Her hands slid down the shirt, loosely falling to her waist, her fingers twitching nervously as her shirt fell open, her midriff exposed once again, a blush creeping across her cheeks. A small hand gripped two of her fingers with a light squeeze, a happy face smiling up at her. "See, it's not so bad." Yutaka chided, only serving to deepen Minami's blush.

The soft sounds of drawing and Patty's humming took the forefront again, though now punctuated by the occasional break in humming for an appreciative "ooh" from the blonde as Tamura worked. Patty's imagination had begun to work as well, her eyes going from the models, to the canvas, to the book. She had begun to see some of what Tamura had seen.

The artist made a series of quick checks between her sketchbook and the models before turning the page, "Okay, that's good. Now I want Minami to stand behind Yutaka…" Tamura said, waving her pencil as if she were directing them. Minami let out a quick breath, and clutched at the fluttering shirt again, directing her blue eyes to the ground. Yutaka took a little step forward, and looking over her shoulder she aligned herself with the preoccupied girl.

"Like this?" Yutaka asked, turning side to side slightly with a little bounce.

"Minami, step up just a little." Tamura waved the pencil back and forth towards herself.

"O-okay." came the shy girl's response. A half-step bringing her crossed arms to brush against Yutaka's pink hair. She tentatively looked to Tamura, looking for approval.

"Closer, closer, you're supposed to be her best friend, not her shadow." The pencil waved again, more quickly this time.

Yutaka giggled, tilting her head back she looked up at Minami with a giggle, "Did you hear that? We're best friends, Minami." The tall girl took a half-step back in surprise, another thud sounding in the room as Tamura's knee slammed into the table again, drawing the smaller girl's attention to the artist who had half fallen over sideways. "Are you okay, Tamura?"

Straightening her glasses, Tamura took a deep breath. "Are they teasing me?" she thought to herself. Sitting back up properly, she nodded quickly, "My leg had fallen asleep is all. Ahaha… Now get closer, closer. Best friends, remember?" her voice almost cracking as she said that.

Minami gingerly closed the distance, her forearms gently brushing Yutaka's hair. Pausing momentarily, she stared at the top of Yutaka's head, taking a quick breath before letting go of the shirt, resting her slender hands gently on the petite girl's shoulders. The shirt loosely opened, giving the appearance of almost framing the pair of girls from the front. Minami blushed again, reflexively pulling Yutaka towards her to cover her exposed skin. The smaller girl backpedaled a tiny bit, surprised at the sudden pull; her hands shooting up to steady herself, clasping the tall girl's own. Yutaka turned an inquisitive face to her partner, meeting the troubled look of the teal-haired girl.

"PERFECT!" exclaimed Tamura, "Don't move a muscle!" Her pencil scratched furiously across the paper, and even Patty stopped reading her manga, whistling appreciatively at the two's pose. The models, frozen as ordered, could do nothing but stare at each other, eyes meeting and parting in embarrassment as they both nervously glanced around, pink blushes flushing their cheeks in the awkwardness of the position were only intensified by the rapt attention of their audience. Tamura worked rapidly, her desire to capture the image overwhelming her reserve.

"Finished!" proclaimed the artist with a breath. Another appreciative whistle from Patty as the blonde nodded her approval, appraising the sketch. The models slowly separated, both immediately looking at the ground the smaller girl wringing her hands at her chest; Minami stood almost stock still, in a daze. "That was incredible you two. Are you sure you aren't professionals?" Tamura smiled, scratching the back of her head. "Ah." both girls breathed, surprised at the sudden praise.

"Don't tease us, Tamura!" Yutaka pouted, noticeably relaxing as she glanced reproachfully at Minami. Her gaze brought the tall girl back to her senses, her hands suddenly clutching at her shirt, embarrassed by Yutaka's attention. Their eyes met again before nervously dancing away from each other.

"Well, that just leaves one more… the cover picture." Tamura nodded to herself, flipping the page and tapping her pencil lightly. "I wanted to draw them sitting on a hill…" she thought out loud, looking around the room, her eyes coming to rest on her bed. Setting her sketchpad aside for a moment, she slid out from under the table, wincing as she put weight on her knee- it still smarted after all. "Minami, come over here…" she waved the teal-haired girl over "Sit in the middle of the bed, on your legs."

"Okay…" Minami climbed up onto the bed before turning towards the table and sitting down, arms folded neatly across her chest. "Like this?"

"Yeah, that's good. Now, Yutaka…" Tamura turned towards the smaller girl, offering a hand. Yutaka took it, being helped up onto the bed she was positioned slightly to the front and side of Minami. "Alright, now in cover picture one of them is… uhh… asleep… so Yutaka… lay your head on Minami's lap." The artist stammered, suddenly aware of how strange her request was.

The teal-haired girl stiffened visibly when she heard her name, her eyes moving rapidly between Yutaka and Tamura. The small girl shyly turned to her modeling partner "… Is it okay?" she asked, her eyes firmly on her own lap, one hand picking idly at Tamura's purple comforter.

"Y-yeah." Stammered Minami, her balled up posture giving only the opposite feeling.

"Well, then…" the pink-haired girl inched closer, leaning over awkwardly to measure the distance before she turned onto her hip, lowering her head onto her partner's lap. "I-is this good?" she murmured with a blush.

"Hmm…" Tamura stepped back holding an imaginary viewfinder, looking at the pair. They looked awful; way too stiff. Minami sat straight as an arrow, arms crossed tightly, with her bangs hanging over her eyes. Yutaka looked nervous as well, her knees drawn towards her chest and her arms running stiffly down her sides. "Hey, relax you two…" Tamura said warmly giving her best smile "Let's try this- Minami, sit on your left side more." The tall girl nodded, and rolled on her hip, her long legs now coming into Tamura's viewfinder. "That's good… that's good… Now lean on your left arm." The tall girl reluctantly released half her grip on the shirt, her hand coming to rest near the small of Yutaka's back. "Very nice…" Tamura nodded approvingly. "It almost looks as if she has her arm around her now." she thought with an inward grin.

"Okay, Yutaka. First, straighten your legs out some, then lean forward on your stomach more." Tamura waved her forward. The petite girl lowered her knees, tilting forward slightly, her left arm naturally coming forward to balance herself, as her left knee slid over her center of balance, coming to rest on the bed. "Now put your hand on Minami's knee."

"U-uhm, okay. Like this?" Yutaka's left hand braced lightly on Minami's knee, forcing her to finally put weight down. She glanced up at Tamura, her green eyes peeking out from between the black pants her cheek lay on, and her pink hair which fell loosely in her face. She almost looked as if she had just woken up.

"Perfect… perfect!" Tamura nodded enthusiastically at them through her makeshift viewfinder while she backpedaled towards her sketchbook. "Now, Minami, put your other hand on Yutaka's." The tall girl hesitated, squeezing the shirt tightly. Tamura slid back into her seat under the low table, the sketchbook and pencil quickly taken up. Glancing up, she noted the tall girl hadn't moved. "Minami?"

The tall girl started at her name being called again. The soft teal shirt swept open, hanging loosely off her side complimenting her lean; her hand, a light sweat covering it from gripping the shirt so tightly, now rested loosely over Yutaka's.

"Okay, here I go." Tamura smiled, and began sketching. They looked good now. She began sketching out the basic body lines of the couple, suddenly frowning to herself. Something looked lopsided. She glanced up at the two, realizing her perspective had changed when she sat down. "Minami, could you lean forward, and look down at Yutaka some?"

The tall girl nodded, leaning over her diminutive partner- A loose tuft of soft pink hair suddenly brushing across the slender girl's rib. "Ah!" Minami cried suddenly, reflexively pulling back, her hands shooting back to catch her balance, destroying the image.

"What happened?" Yutaka asked, rolling over on her stomach; her loose hair swept across Minami's lower tummy and shallow navel.

"Ahaha! Yuta-kaaa! Don't move!" Minami's slender body shivered as her taut ticklish tummy was caressed by hundreds of soft pink strands. Her flat tummy heaved as she began to laugh uncharacteristically, unsuccessfully trying to swallow her laughter as she gasped for breath.

Green eyes looked up worriedly at the teal-haired girl, the small girl's left cheek resting warmly on the shaking girl's lap. Yutaka obediently stayed still as Minami caught her breath, only little shivers running down her body now. Judging no ill effects, Yutaka smiled up at her modeling partner. "Minami has a pretty laugh." Lifting herself up on her arms, she looked into Minami's blue eyes, wet from the strenuous laughing. "I was thinking it might be so earlier, but… are you ticklish?" The petite pink-haired girl asked with an impish grin.

The tall girl's blue eyes quickly dodged away, intently staring into the comforter. "I… I'm not." she said weakly, unable to convince even herself. The soft teal shirt now hung loosely open, framing an expansive stretch of taut pale skin which rose and fell with every panted breath.

Yutaka giggled. "Really? Really really?" She gathered her petite body, rising to her knees, a mischievous grin on her face. "Minami doesn't laugh very often, I want to hear more…" She held her open hands up, wiggling her fingers, doing her best to appear as frightening as a cute schoolgirl could.

The tall girl pulled herself sideways on the bed, scrambling get back to her knees, but she wasn't quick enough. "Eh!" the littler girl pounced with the speed and ferocity of a kitten. Minami's hands shot up reflexively, catching Yutaka's wrists, as they both tumbled backwards. The tall girl lay sprawled on her back, her slender hands clasping Yutaka's diminutive wrists at her shoulders. The small girl lay stretched across Minami's legs, her face buried in the soft tummy of her partner, her arms held over her head, she wiggled back and forth trying to get up.

"Ah! Ahaha!" Minami bucked under the small girl, the light touches across her expansive midriff sent her into another gigglefit. Yutaka stopped wiggling, a broad smile crossing her face, she giggled as a plan formed in her mind.

"Oof." Yutaka murmured into Minami's tummy as she inched her legs up the long slender body of her friend, drawing additional giggles from the teal-haired girl. Finally straddling the girl's long slender thighs, and gaining some leverage, she lifted her head, her green eyes peeking from beneath her hanging bangs. Minami met her gaze with pleading blue eyes, wet with tears. "Please – no more." Minami begged and shook her head, her breath leaving her words brief and rushed. She gently squeezed Yutaka's wrists, both steadying herself and trying to prevent an all out tickle-attack.

"Ehehehe." was the petite girl's only reply as she dramatically dipped her head, her bangs drawing dangerously close to the heaving ribs of Minami. The tall girl struggled, but she had not the energy or the breath to unseat her tormentor. First a few soft pricks, then a smooth sweep, and the pink-haired girl's bangs danced across pale flesh, her head shaking back and forth.

Minami lost herself in the giggling, her body bucking and heaving beneath her partner. Letting go of Yutaka's wrists, her hands gripped the bed's comforter as she tried to pull herself away from the unlikely torturer. But Yutaka only held on more tightly, her small arms wrapping tightly around the taller girl's narrow waist. They laughed until they could laugh no more, both gasping for breath.

Yutaka hugged Minami's waist, nuzzling her cheek into the shivering tummy of the ticklish girl. Minami's hands released the comforter, aching with how tight she had gripped it; they instinctively moved to cover her vulnerable tummy, but instead only found themselves twining weakly in the pink hair that had tortured her only moments before. They breathed, again and again, the tempo slowing, despite the two occasionally going into aftershocks of giggles. Minami's hands gently pet the small girl's hair, causing Yutaka to turn her head into the gentle strokes, her nose nuzzling the breathless girl.

Both girls slowly caught their breath. Yutaka rested on Minami's tummy, her body feeling loose and warm. Minami similarly felt good and relaxed in a way she hadn't in some time. "How long has it been since I laughed like that?" she wondered as she idly scratched the pink-haired girl's head. Yutaka happily giggled again, her soft lips pressing against the navel of Minami, transmitting the vibrations of her laughter into her sensitive stomach. Minami began laughing again, not the uncontrolled laughter of being tickled, but a warm bubbly laughter of being happy. Yutaka answered with her own giggles, the contagious cycle almost beginning anew.

They both breathed deeply, struggling to calm themselves. Yutaka smiled to herself as she rose and fell with every breath of her friend. Yutaka nuzzled against Minami again, basking in the feeling of safe warmth. Yutaka inhaled deeply to let out a contented sigh her soft pink lips meeting warm pale skin as Minami matched her breath, the slender girl's tummy rising. The soft suction of the meeting made an almost inaudible yet unmistakable noise as Yutaka inadvertently kissed Minami's tummy.

"Ahh!" Minami cried out softly in surprise. The sensation had felt far different from the previous tickling, her voice coming more forcefully in response. This change was not lost on her diminutive partner who repeated the motion, another inexperienced kiss in the same spot. "Nnnm!" Minami whimpered, her long slender body squirming under the new stimulation.

"Ehehehe." Yutaka giggled mischievously again. She nuzzled forcefully against the tall girl's twitching tummy, her lips falling repeatedly on the responsive girl's midriff. With each kiss Yutaka became more forceful, and with each kiss Minami felt her body weaken. Her hands gently cradled Yutaka's head as the petite girl rained kisses, covering every inch of the girl's ample flesh. Yutaka's kisses were thorough as she sought out more weak spots, slowly working her way up the tall girl's midriff, the loose teal shirt being pushed aside as Yutaka set to work on the exposed ribs. Each nip brought another whimper from Minami, only further encouraging Yutaka.

Minami's bit her lip to stifle her voice, her body responding by abandoning the short quick pants in exchange for long deep breaths, her ribs and small chest heaving under the small girl's touches. As Yutaka's lips neared the end of Minami's first rib, a wayward kiss met the heaving chest of the squirming girl, lips parted and small teeth scraped lightly over the thin sensitive flesh.

"Nnmmm-Ahhh!" Minami cried out, her limbs jerking suddenly as the ticklish sensation of before mixed with the strange new sensation.

Yutaka looked up at the taller girl, a victorious look on her face. "Found a weak spot!" she said with an impish grin on her face.

Minami panted, looking through her treacherous pink bangs into those teasing green eyes. Blue eyes wandered down that cute face, past the button nose, to the torturously soft pink lips and the white hint of teeth which only moments ago had lightly marked her body. A warm blush flushed her cheeks, and she felt a surge of energy as the embarrassment of the situation struck her once again. Yutaka's grinned only widened in response, taking on a tiny bit of smugness. There was something different about Yutaka- where before Minami had only been able to see a weak girl in need of help, she now saw that same girl laying victoriously across her midriff. Green eyes never broke their lock with blue as soft pink lips deliberately pressed against Minami's rib unapologetically.

Minami felt the heat of her blush rising through her entire body, each softly sucking kiss seeming to bring the girl another degree higher. Giggles and whimpers soon became strangled throaty whines as the tall girl's body quivered. A sharp tingle ran across her pale skin as Yutaka's teeth scraped her rib again, the teal haired girl's hair tossed back as she tried to tug the pink-haired girl loose. "No more – please."

Yutaka giggled, planting a quick final kiss before nuzzling against Minami's now slightly damp tummy. The small girl hadn't intended to go so far, but the warm softness and inviting scent of Minami had driven her. Hugging tightly against the tall girl she snuggled against her modeling partner.

Patty watched the two wide-eyed, her voluptuous thighs rubbing together as she took in the situation. "What just happened?" she wondered. Just a moment ago she'd been reading the doujinshi the two girls in it making love in their clubroom at school. Now her two friends lay tangled together in a rather compromising position themselves. A quick glance up at Tamura revealed the artist was dazed, her hand scribbling almost by reflex. Deciding to take the risk, the blonde snaked a hand between the floor and her tummy, prodding gently at her sex. Patty winced in surprise, "Did I really get that wet? To girls? Was it the doujinshi? Them?" Light prods gave out to soft strokes as she covertly masturbated through her panties.

Minami sighed deeply trying to settle herself. She felt agitated, irritated, yet relaxed as well. She carefully watched Yutaka, who seemed perfectly content to rest. Slender fingers tousled the pink hair as she mussed Yutaka's hair in retaliation, loosing one of her ribbons. "Ahh!" Yutaka giggled as she tried to bat way the bigger girl's hands.

Minami struck quickly and instinctively; the teal-haired girl seized the diminutive girl's wrists, drawing a gasp from her. Sitting up quickly, she tipped the small girl over easily, pinning the girl's hands above her head. "Ah! Hehe!" Yutaka cried out and giggled, surprised at the sudden turnabout. Minami was also surprised, she hadn't intended to do that, it was almost as if her body had done it in reflex. Minami hung over the girl, blue eyes meeting green before she quickly checked the smaller girl for injuries. She needn't have looked any farther than her cute captive's face though, as the big smile and happy glint to her eyes assured the big girl she'd done no harm.

"Now what?" the big girl wondered as blue eyes wandered. Yutaka squirmed this way and that, her top riding up to expose a thin strip of skin at her waist. "She expects me to tickle back…" Blue eyes stayed firmly locked onto the teasing skin "right?" Bringing her hands together over Yutaka's head, she gently pinned the small girl's hands with one of her larger, the free hand descending to gently tickle the exposed hip of Yutaka. The little girl wiggled, trying to pull away before the first touch had even occurred, she gave out an audible squeak and giggled as the taller girl's fingernail gently touched her skin. The pads of Minami's fingers joined soon, a laughing cry bursting from the small girl as she began forcefully squirming. Minami smiled at the simple joy of Yutaka's laughter, "This was what she wanted." she thought as she scrabbled her fingers over Yutaka's hip.

"Mnahahaha!" Yutaka bucked, her legs kicking against the bed as she shook at the touches. Minami wouldn't be able to hold her like this. Gripping the hem of the loose cotton top, the tall girl tugged it up, exposing the small girlish torso of Yutaka. Soft and pliant, Yutaka was not as thin as Minami. As she breathed, her stomach took a soft rounded shape, indented by a cute round navel. Minami's eyes wandered ever upwards, the gentle hourglass waist gently sloped into a subtle ribcage upon which the hinting of soft budding breasts disappeared into the bunched cotton top. Their eyes met again, and Minami saw no disapproval, instead almost a curiosity in the green eyes staring back at her.

"This was what she wanted." Minami reassured herself.

Once again holding the hands of the small girl, Minami shifted her position, holding Yutaka's arms to her side. Lowering herself, she hesitated a few inches from the small girl's midriff. Yutaka had already started giggling in anticipation, her breath already quickening, it was the last cue Minami needed as her lips touched Yutaka for the first time. The small girl burst into a fit of giggling, her petite body squirming. Minami's lips grazed a few other locations before she finally firmly kissed a spot an inch to the right of Yutaka's navel, gently sucking the girl's pliant skin.

"Ah!" cried Yutaka, bucking up before dissolving into giggles again. Encouraged, lips met flesh again and again, where Yutaka's stronger kisses had only weakened Minami, Yutaka seemed to thrive on each gentle nipping of her flesh, squirming more and more energetically. Soon the bigger girl's kisses not only fell to tickle, but also hold down her writhing prey. Minami's hands pressed against Yutaka's, their fingers twining as they both held onto what they could in the playful struggle. Minami gently bit the soft hip of Yutaka, eliciting a strong squeeze from her small hands. Repeating the motion brought a strong shuddering gasp from the girl. Minami responded accordingly, nipping a line from the girl's slender waist to the inner curve of her soft tummy.

Yutaka's breath grew ragged, inhaling and exhaling at odd intervals, she clutched tightly to her Minami's hands. Her voice began to leave her throat as odd whimpers between the giggles. Minami kissed her way up the rest of her partner's twitching tummy, having lost the purchase to bite above the navel. Soft lips pressed against the thin flesh of the ribs, and a scant three kisses later Yutaka found her lips pressed against the soft swollen flesh of the small girl's budding chest. The cotton top had worked its way up the girl's shoulders in her wiggling, exposing the small mounds topped with small pink nipples. Minami stopped suddenly, her mind racing with worry she lifted herself to look at Yutaka's face.

The small girl's face was flushed, a warm pink blush across her cheeks. She struggled for breath, but her mouth was definitely curled into a warm smile. Green eyes warmly met blue. "Yutaka… are you okay?"

"Mm-hmm." the smaller girl replied breathlessly. "I feel kind of funny, but very warm." she blinked sleepily with a smile.

"This is what she wanted." Minami thought again. "This is what… she… I… wanted."

Minami looked at the small girl carefully as her thoughts rolled around in her head. Yutaka's pink hair now lay in a puddle mess about her hair, the loosed ribbon having come completely undone in her thrashing. Her cheeks, no her entire body, shone a warm pink as it blushed. The loose white cotton top was rolled up around her neck and shoulders now, barely concealing a delicate collarbone. Her slender arms were crooked at the elbow and met Minami's own hands, where their fingers were tightly twined- even her fingertips carried the same blush. The small girl's delicate chest rose and fell with every breath, small pink areolas, no bigger than Minami's thumb cresting the pert breasts. The same tummy she had showered countless kisses on continued heaving and twisted with every squirm. Little white marks where Minami's teeth had found purchase marred the otherwise perfect blush of Yukata's torso. The loose tangerine skirt now lay pooled around the small girl's hips, her legs lay open widely to accommodate Minami's access to her tummy. A hint of white panties drew Minami's attention, and her heart skipped a beat as she saw the translucent white spot, hinting at the blushing and swollen girlhood beneath. Blue eyes rapidly shot up, her hands squeezing the small girl's hands urgently.

"I'm okay…" the pink-haired girl murmured again in response to the question, her breathing slowing, her eyes closed in the warmth; she squeezed the taller girl's hands in response. Minami swallowed, her throat dry. The wild hair, sleepy eyes, and warm blush gave Yutaka an irresistibly cute sleepy appearance. She wanted to be closer to that cute face. Leaning forward, she lay lightly upon the smaller girl's body, her heaving tummy gently brushing her own pale skin. Minami's lips pressed softly against the cheek of Yutaka.

"This is what I want." Minami thought to herself.

"Ehehe. I'm not ticklish there." Yutaka giggled, squirming as she turned to look at the taller girl, green eyes fluttering open. Blue met green, both girls' eyes darting between their partners'. A blink, and the lids closed halfway, their faces drawing nearer, eyes closing as their lips met- a soft kiss. Then another. And another, audible this time, unable to settle for a single first kiss they kissed at least a dozen times in the warm moment.

Patty bit her lip, "Nnnn! Nn!" she stifled her moans as her hips jerked. Her body tensed and shook as she came violently. Blue eyes fluttered open in the afterglow as she glanced at the other girls. Tamura hadn't noticed- the artist sat there slack as her glasses glinted. The pair on the bed were still at it, kissing softly. With a quick sigh of relief, the blonde gave herself a final rub, shivering at the aftershock. "I haven't come like that in months…" she smirked to herself. "These panties are shot too." Rolling over, she leaned against Tamura's desk, sitting well behind the artist. Lifting her full hips she braced herself mentally- a quick tug and she yanked down the soaked canary panties, savoring the feel of the air on her tingling sex. Setting the wet cloth in a pile beside herself, she returned her attention to the pair on the bed and their artist.

Lips parted, and eyes met again- a moment of still silence before Minami's pale cheeks flushed. "I'm sorry, I was…" she stammered, sitting up hurriedly, her hands rapidly pulling away from the small girl, she clutched them at her chest as if she'd been burned, or as if she had burned Yutaka. "Are you… okay?" her heart thudding in her chest as her doting nature mixed with a worried sense of urgent guilt.

"Mm-hmm... I said I was okay didn't I? Minami is always taking care of me." Yutaka smiled, her body still relaxed she made no effort to conceal her exposed breasts or midriff. Her open hands instead rose towards Minami, the tall girl flinching and shutting her eyes tight.

"She's going to push me away." Minami thought, a sudden tightness twisting her stomach. "I've got to move." She urgently commanded her body to move, but her legs felt cold and weak as another nervous chill ran down her spine.


"I didn't mean to…"

"I can't…"

The tall girl winced at the rejection, expecting those small hands to push her aside at any moment.

"… reach.

"What?" The tall girl's eyes opened, her mind unable to connect the simple words. Yutaka still lay below her, a relaxed smile on her face; her shorter arms reached toward the tall girl's face, coming short a scant few inches. Yutaka's fingertips were bent, as she wiggled them, both struggling to close the distance and beckoning to Minami.

Minami exhaled sharply, the tightness instantly melting, her shoulders slumping as her body went slack with relief. Small delicate fingertips found purchase on her cheeks drawing her ever deeper. Now small palms cupped her cheeks, her eyes fluttering closed as a small bit of moisture gathered at the corner of her eye. Her teal hair tangled between seeking fingers, there was no going back now she thought, she'd sink like this forever. A warm breath brushed her face, and then soft lips met again. If this was the bottom, she never wanted to come up again.

Tamura jerked, as Patty poked her in the side, her pencil falling from her hand with a light clatter to the floor. Tamura looked side to side, her mouth hanging slack-jawed as she was unceremoniously returned to awareness. "Draw! Draw!" The blonde hissed at her in a hushed whisper, one finger across her lips while she pointed at the couple on the bed with the other.

"Draw?" Tamura thought. Her eyes fell to her lap, where a sketchbook lay open across her lap, one hand holding it tight enough to bend the paper. Her other hand hung empty, hovering over her dropped pencil. Picking it up, she looked at it carefully, her mind unable to grasp the seemingly alien object. Another jabbing poke to the side brought her attention back to Patty, who enthusiastically motioned towards the sketchbook, her other hand still pointing at the oblivious couple on the bed. Putting lead to paper, the artist blinked as a line appeared. Instinctively glancing up, her eyes and hands fell back on routine, her mind still reeling at the circumstances.

The couple's kissing had only grown more heated in the meantime, their faces tilting to meet in deeper and more persistent kisses. Breaking only to breathe the girls' foreheads met as they panted, breathing the same air. Minami shifted her weight onto her elbows, eliciting a giggle from her diminutive partner. Her blue eyes opened to see her lover's face.

"Your shirt… It tickles…" Yutaka squirmed. The soft collar of the teal shirt hung against the girl's neck as she shook her head, trying to push it away.

"Ah." The tall girl reflexively pulled back, only to be caught by Yutaka's hands- small fingers softly slid from her hair, fingertips tracing their way across her neck to the collar, tugging clumsily at the button. Pulling it free, Yutaka tugged on the two halves of the collar, the shirt falling loosely open, her vision filled now only with her lover's slender torso, and warm teal light filtering through the shirt. She tugged slightly harder, her green eyes looking imploringly up to her partner.

Minami nodded, getting a warm smile from the small girl, who released her collar. Sitting back, she arched her shoulders, the loose shirt sliding down her back. Yutaka gasped as she looked at the tall girl sitting over her now. Her thin shoulders melded into a delicate collarbone which began the girl's long torso. Small breasts, capped with well-sized pink nipples stood on her chest, the swelling flesh casting a light shadow on the defined ribs of the thin girl. Her stomach was taut, stretched tight as she leaned back, her shallow navel resting in the valley of hinted muscles. "Minami is so pretty…" Yutaka whispered, eliciting a blush from her partner.

Minami's hands slid from the shirt sleeves, awkwardly returning to fidget nervously on her lap as she looked down at Yutaka, unsure of how to act. Yutaka's only response was to lift her own arms above her head, stretching her short body on the bed. Wiggling her fingertips again, she smiled at her lover. "Me too." was all she said.

Minami gingerly gripped the bunched up top, tugging gently as Yutaka sat up slightly, freeing the shirt from her shoulders. She slid the soft cotton up Yutaka's thin arms, her own body elongating as she leaned forward, the girls meeting in a kiss as the shirt passed Yutaka's wrists, their hands meeting in the tangled and discarded top. Soft bare skin pressed together as the girl's chests collided, only intensifying the girl's passionate kissing.

"Nmm!" Minami murmured into a kiss, her small breasts snugly pressing against Yutaka's tummy- her nipples grinding against the small girl's ribs every time the two inhaled. The tall girl slid her legs back, her ticklish waist and hips touching Yutaka's soft thighs as she pressed closely against her lover. Yutaka squirmed in response, her knees and thighs squeezing against Minami's hips, her own hips pushing back.

A light sweat mingled between the joined girls, connected from the tips of their fingers to their delicate hips. Inexperienced, feverish kisses gave way to ragged panting, the girls nuzzling cheek to cheek as they caught their breath. Yutaka giggled as she stole quick kisses from her partner's defenseless cheek. Minami responded in kind, nudging the small girl's head to one side she exposed her delicate neck, a quick kiss followed by the grazing of teeth, drawing a whine from her lover. Encouraged, she dotted the nape of the small girl's neck with teeth marks- the white indentations contrasting vividly with the flushed skin.

"No fair…" the pink-hair girl whined, bucking her body she tried to loosen the tall girl's grip, but her hands were held fast, and her hips were pinned. She only succeeded in pressing the pair's chests together more firmly, eliciting a responsive bite to her collarbone. She moaned, the combined stimulus and her own voice surprising her. Minami squeezed her hands- she wasn't going anywhere the tall girl didn't want her to.

Minami however was on the move, raining kisses on the neck and collarbone of Yutaka she moved to complete her lips' exploration of the small girl's torso. What had begun in innocent play on Yutaka's ticklish tummy continued now in fevered desire, her lips pecking too quickly and hungrily to be confused in purpose. Forceful kisses soon sank into the pliant warmth of young breasts; Minami's lips parted to accommodate the new texture, blue eyes flicking up towards her lover's face, carefully monitoring her response.

Yutaka's eyes were closed, head tilted back she bit her lip, a low whine in her throat as she lightly shook her head in time with her wiggling body, her pink hair had become a wild mess. The small girl's lithe little body strained forward, a whine breaking into a moan as it parted her lips; Minami's bottom lip grazed the top of her quarter-sized areola. A shiver shook the small girl on the next kiss; the delicate, tender flesh of her swollen nipple now the full captive of the bigger girl. "Minamiii…" she whispered breathlessly, the end of her lover's name descending into a throaty whine, her twined fingers squeezing her captor's pinning hands in encouragement and need.

The teal-haired girl smiled into Yutaka's budding chest, repeating the kiss with varying levels of force she resisted the nigh-overwhelming urge to bite the small girl. But she worried, "Something so soft and tender would surely cut on teeth" she thought. She tilted her head slightly, trying to satiate herself by biting the thicker swell of the small girl's lower breast, the response a quick high cry from her partner. Blue eyes flicked up, as she lifted her head; Yutaka's eyes were shut firmly, reminding Minami of the cute exasperated face that had become so characteristic of the smaller girl. Smiling to herself, she lowered her gaze, admiring her handiwork; the small girl's breast flushed a swollen pink, the small nub of a nipple rose with a soft stiffness, peppered in goose bumps. White lines marred the perfect pink skin of her under breast, evidence of the teeth that had only just departed. Her tongue instinctually sought out those lines of irritated sensitive flesh, a wet trail of warm saliva ending in an open-mouthed kiss.

"Nmmah!" Yutaka moaned loudly, trying to twist her body away from the bizarre new sensation. Green eyes peeked from lidded eyes, her cheeks blushing a furious crimson as she watched her lover's tongue trace the subdued contours of her diminutive chest. Their eyes met as Minami glanced up, a warm yet plotting grin shaping her shameless lips. Slowly and dramatically, Minami lowered her mouth to the peak of Yutaka's breast, her mouth embracing her lover's small areola in an open mouthed kiss, tongue darting out to stroke the tender nipple. Yutaka turned her head, her eyes shutting with en embarrassed hurry, she thrashed in response to the stimulation, trying to escape the bigger girl's ministrations, shivering in pleasure the entire time.

Minami only pressed her own body against her lover with more force, her own thick and knobby nipples tingling as they ground against the thrashing girl's tummy. Unable to resist the resisting girl any more, her teeth closed around the defenseless flesh, instantly stopping the squirming girl as she sharply gasped. Pink tongue followed, as it soothingly stroked the bite. Minami suckled her partner, a gentle rhythm of licking and sucking pulling Yutaka's breath out in ragged response. A very soft bite melted into a warm parting kiss, as Minami mentally bid farewell to the aggravated sensitive nipple. Her lips lead her across her lover's chest, pausing only to nuzzle the girl's delicate sternum she began to kiss the small girl's neglected breast.

"Mmmm…" Yutaka whined, her body taking on a new wiggle. "Minami… it's kind of cold." The teal-haired girl looked to her lover's face, green eyes embarrassedly staring to a side. Following her gaze, she looked at the breast she had just tormented; slick with saliva, the nipple stood stiffly from the girl's modest breast. The tall girl nodded, an answer as well as an excuse to nuzzle her lover. She loosened the twined fingers of her hand, lovingly running her fingers through pink hair before cupping her lover's cheek. Tickling her neck, her fingers danced beyond Yutaka's delicate collarbone, coming to rest warmly on the slick swollen breast, Minami's slender hands cupping snugly over the rise of flesh. She began her kissing anew on the unmolested breast, gently massaging warmth and pleasure into the chilled skin of the other.

When the tall girl's teeth once again began finding purchase, Yutaka's free hand found its way to the tangled teal hair of her lover, hugging the bigger girl to her humble bust. Slender fingers teasingly pinched, the small girl's body reflexively attempting to writhe away only pressing her other breast against her captor's waiting teeth. A large bite was stopped halfway, holding the small areola and surrounding flesh defenseless against a powerful suckling. Yutaka cried out, her small hand pushing against the top of the teal-haired girl's head, an act of embarrassed desperation as she tried to stifle her moans.

Minami was pleased to oblige, but not before kissing up the moisture, patting dry the small girl's breast with her lips. She allowed the smaller girl to push her away, light kisses sprinkled with bites to renew the strength of the girl's unconscious shoving. A light nip and kiss to the navel, then she shook her teal hair free of her lover's seeking fingers, releasing her grip on the other pinned hand. Minami sat back on her haunches, her hands resting lightly on the hips of the small girl, her knees snugly nestled against the cute girl's wriggling rear. Yutaka looked up at the tall girl's silhouette, her own body trustingly splayed open before the teal-haired girl. One arm was loosely thrown above her head, the other loosely gripping the purple comforter, a poor substitute for the rich teal hair it had run through moments before. Yutaka's hips lay open, short legs thrown over her lover's knees and hips. The tangerine skirt was a bunched up mess, rolled up over the top of her hips and bunching at her waist it did nothing to conceal the thin white panties she wore.

The same panties that had surprised Minami so thoroughly before. Clinging wetly against Yutaka's girlhood, flushed skin peeked through the translucent cotton. The slit of her wet sex naught but a white strip where the cloth strained between the two swollen lips of the small girl's sex. The dampness permeated the panties, from the risen contour of the small girl's mons pubis to the bottom of the simple panties, where smooth thighs gave way to a cute round bottom. Minami swallowed, her blue eyes flicking up to Yutaka's face, only to find green eyes which had been watching her all along. "I…" Minami stammered, her fingers nervously picking at the tangerine fabric. "Is it… okay?" the tall girl blushed heavily.

"Un." the small girl nodded, a knuckle finding its way to her mouth, a light bite serving to ease her embarrassed nervousness.

Minami licked her dry lips, fingers digging into the tangerine cloth as they searched for the skirt's waistband. Hooking her index fingers, she tugged on the fabric lightly, pulling her partner's hips towards her and then up. Yutaka big her finger, a muffled whine of protest as her cute butt lifted from the bed, the tall girl's knees sliding in under to support her. The small girl blushed furiously, as her legs were lifted straight into the air, her calves resting on the tall girl's shoulder. Minami's cheek nuzzled the girl's smooth calf reassuringly, another soft tug bringing the skirt further down the small girl's waist until fingernails encountered a new texture- the elastic band of the small girl's panties. Impulsively Minami's fingers slid into the narrow bands, drawing a muffled moan from her partner as the clinging cloth rubbed against her aroused sex.

Both girls' excitement was almost palpable, hearts beating furiously as the sticky white cloth of the panties rolled across the small girl's rear, the fabric's tension going slack as it crested the width of the small girl's modest hips. Yutaka's bare rear wiggled ticklishly on Minami's knees as the wet cloth stickily pulled from her skin. The small girl whined as the crotch of the panties pulled away, wetly sucking on her swollen lips as it peeled away. And then her girlhood was bare, the combined skirt and panties sliding up her short legs smearing one of Yutaka's thighs and calves with a trail of her arousal.

Minami's head spun as the scent of Yutaka's girlcum rose with the bunched cloth, her lust peaking as she lifted the bunched cloth to the girl's ankles, only inches from her nose. In a quick yank born of frustrated lust, the tall girl quickly tugged the bundle of cloth over her lover's small feet, bunching it in her hands, she tossed it aside with no care to where it landed. Minami's lips hungrily kissed at the ankle of Yutaka, her nose instinctively seeking the lingering scent of sex.

Yutaka gasped, a ticklish giggle of a moan causing her to bite her knuckle. Her legs slid into the crooks of Minami's elbows as she tried to pull her ticklish feet and ankles away. The tall girl held her steady, the sheen of sticky girlcum tantalizingly leading to her partner's slick sex. Quick kisses peppered the wet guide as Minami sprawled backwards, pulling her knees out from under the small girl. Lust began to override gentleness, Yutaka's cries growing louder as Minami's mouth pressed into her soft inner thighs. Unable to pull free, the small girl's legs instead tried to clump shut, halting the bigger girl's hunting kisses. Blue eyes flitted upwards, meeting the embarrassed gaze of the panting smaller girl; Minami nuzzled the smaller girl's thigh, an apologetic soft kiss following. Slender fingers gently squeezed Yutaka's thighs reassuringly, gentleness returning to the bigger girl's hold. Green eyes darted away, a heavy blush coloring the small girl's cheeks; she relaxed, her thighs opening with an excited tremble. Minami lowered her head, kissing the prominent pubic bone of Yutaka, blue eyes carefully watching her lover's face for sign of protest. Yutaka's green eyes closed, her front teeth biting into her lower lip, her small hands gripping the comforter as her hips opened fully; her body lay bare before her lover.

Minami leaned back, blue eyes dropping to her partner's girlhood. Yutaka's smooth wide outer lips flushed a deep pink, engorged with blood in her arousal. A wet slit parted puffy flesh, the full swollen lips pressed together tightly, only the hint of a pink nub peeking from the crest. An abundant wet sheen highlighted the appealing view, a slick fluid wrung from the shallow parting of pliant lips. The small girl's cute mound twitched, a thick wetness leaking from a dimple in the soft flesh, the only hinting of an adolescent vagina, which lay hidden in the swollen folds.

The tall girl's body flushed, blood rushing to every hair and pore of her body as it tried to tak

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It was a bright sunny day in October as Jessica stepped out from her car. The wind caught her skirt and sent it twirling around her thighs. As the cold wind swirled around her legs she started to feel worse about what she was at the building to do that morning. She looked up at the sky and took in a deep breath trying to brace herself for this day she hated and it appeared that every year seemed to get harder and harder to come here. What was so important about the gynecologist anyway? It wasn’t like her pussy was...


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Getting Bossed

Naomi Price was facing a crisis not of her own making but one that only she could figure out how to solve. She was 38 and her career was going well. But her 14-year-old daughter was in private school. She and her husband had divorced shortly after she was born. His child support was not helping Naomi make ends meet. Plus, her ex’s career had gone in the tank; he was only working part-time and barely getting by himself. A year earlier, Naomi had placed her mother in assisted living. While it was much nicer than a nursing home, it was...


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Sweet Little Lucy - A Modern Day Fairy Tale

She was young and fresh, only 15 but she had the body and poise of an older girl more like nineteen or twenty. Lucy was a popular girl and doing well at school. Lucy had deep blue eyes and full soft lips and her pretty face was edged by long blonde hair. Her boobs were not large at 34C but on her slim frame they looked a lot bigger. They were firm with small delicate pink nipples while her waist was trim and her bum was, well peachy was probably the best way to describe it round yet firm. Lucy knew...


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