Claire No.1

Claire No.1

Claire finished the breakfast dishes and was on her way out the door from her upscale suburban home and into the big four wheel drive Ford Explorer. Gliding smoothly into traffic, she thought that lately shopping seemed to be her only outlet. Her husband Frank was away on business at least three nights a week, and usually more. Not to be complaining, Frank is a wonderful provider and father for her and the twins, but it seemed like they hardly ever saw each other, let alone spending any meaningful time together.

As she pulled into the mall parking garage, Claire's thoughts turned to the ad she had seen in the local newspaper--OPENING FRIDAY!!! BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Claire had been taken by the ad immediately, and she really could use some new bras and panties. Even though she and Frank had been married for eight years Claire had managed to stay in good shape, and for a thirty three year old she still could turn a man's head, and the only real change in her body was her chest size. When she graduated from college Claire was a perfect 34-C, but after the birth of her daughters, her boobs had grown to a very heavy 34-D. Although they sagged a little, she still filled out a bra like a centerfold, and when he did show some interest, Frank liked to tell her that no Playboy bunny could hold a candle to her! As she entered the mall she thought of the last time he had sucked her tits, and her nipples got getting hard just thinking about it inducing her to look down at her chest and see the two buds poking through the her blouse, causing her to shiver!!!

There was hardly a sole to be seen as Claire headed off to find the new store, BOUDOIR LINGERIE, and after locating a store register directory, she found that it was on Level 3 East. The elevator ride and walk to the store took about five minutes, but when she approached the door she realized it was about a half hour until opening, and as she was just about to walk away, she caught a movement behind the glass. As she focused her eyes, Claire saw an attractive woman of about forty five coming to the locked door. She clicked the latch, opened the door and invited Claire to come in, introducing herself as Marie while extending her hand. As Claire was shaking hands she gave Marie a quick look over--tall, about 5'10' Claire guessed, dark brown hair with just a touch of gray that was pulled back behind her head and held in place with a silver barrette while a stern but attractive face that was highlighted with light pink rouge and matching lip gloss. Tactfully dressed in a light gray suit with a rose colored silk blouse that was accented by a loosely tied mauve scarf, the hem of her skirt was just about knee high and covered obviously athletically trim legs while black patent leather high heals completed the ensemble!!! Impressive to say the least!!!

Marie led Claire into the main lingerie department and commented that she was her first customer and she wanted to give Claire her undivided attention. After a few pleasantries were exchanged Marie got down to business and asked Claire exactly what she was looking for, after which Claire told her that a few bra and panty sets would be good for starters. Marie quickly led Claire to the expensive "Amore," line that was being endorsed by a European actress. Marie asked Claire to remove her coat and after giving her a quick once over, she selected flesh colored and black sets and led Claire to the changing room. Claire didn't usually try on underclothes in a store, but this time she seemed to be swept along by the aura that Marie exuded.

Claire expected Marie to hand her the clothes and wait outside the changing room, but instead she gently pulled her inside and closed the door. In a matter of fact tone Marie instructed Claire to remove her clothes, and after hesitating for a moment, a firm look from Marie made Claire begin to undress. Although she was embarrassed, Claire quickly removed all of her clothing until she was standing naked before the approving eyes of Marie. It was strange but Claire was proud of the way her body looked, and never in her whole life had she ever thought about displaying herself to another woman, however here she was in a changing room standing naked before a total stranger!!! In a soft voice Marie murmured, "Very nice," while handing the flesh colored panties to Claire and told her to put them on. As she pulled them up over her hips she saw Marie looking directly at her blond haired crotch, which caused Claire to shiver and make her nipples immediately harden. She adjusted her panties and reached for the bra, and as she began to put it on, she felt Marie's hands helping with the clasp in back, then reaching around her with both arms she adjusted her chest inside the large cups. As she tugged and pulled on the bra, Marie let her hands roam all over her, gently cupping each breast and squeezing and pinching her nipples. Claire was stunned but didn't move as Marie continued to touch her while biting on her shoulder and ear. As the massaging of her chest became more intense, Claire then felt the clasp to the bra unhook! Marie's hands were now on her bare breasts! Claire turned around to face Marie directly, and immediately Marie's mouth went straight to her nipples, sucking on them urgently for two or three minutes as the moisture was filling her hot pussy. Claire became dizzy with desire and Marie slipped to her knees and pulled off the flimsy panties. "This is what I want," she said, as she pushed Claire down on the changing room stool and pulled open her legs. Marie's mouth barely touched her outer lips, but it caused Claire to shudder! The feeling was unbelievable!!! When Marie forced her tongue into her hot slit, the first of her orgasms hit like a tidal wave. Wave after wave poured over the shaking woman, and just as she began to come down from her high, Marie's expert tongue found her clit and began a steady licking and sucking that caused Claire to cum three more times in quick succession!!!

Claire reached out and caressed Marie's face and murmured little thank you's as she nursed the older woman until Marie got to her feet and stood before her still seated partner. Now it was Marie's turn to remove her clothing. Silently she unbuttoned her jacket, and Claire could see that beneath all that material was a very very large chest. The thin silk blouse was strained to it's limits as she shrugged the coat from her shoulders, and you could clearly see the outline of a very sexy low cut white bra through the thin material!!! Slowly Marie undid the buttons of her blouse exposing one of the most beautiful chests Claire had ever seen, and as if drawn by a magnet, Claire reached up and felt the huge bust as it fought to free itself from the straining nylon. As she caressed the her boobs, Marie continued to undress, slipping out of her skirt and standing before Claire in a bra, panties, garter belt and hose. She was certainly a living advertisement for BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Marie stood motionless for a few seconds, letting Claire get a good look at her magnificent body, while Claire noticed a very definite wet spot on the front of Marie's frilly panties. With both hands Marie grabbed at the waistband of her panties and gave them a quick hard pull, tearing them away and leaving Claire staring directly at the dark furry pussy of her seductress. Without a word Marie lifted her right leg and put it on the side of the stool Claire was sitting on, opening Marie's pussy and leaving it just inches from Claire's mouth. The aroma was absolutely intoxicating!! Gently Marie pulled Claire's head towards her waiting crotch and in a stern voice commanded, "Suck Mama!!!" Claire buried her face right into the hot wet cunt and within seconds brought the quivering lady to a smashing orgasm.

As both women held each other in the afterglow of great sex, Claire knew that a whole new horizon had been opened for her that day! She vowed that from now on she would take the initiative to create her own sexual destiny, she does exactly that!

There will be more after this!

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