Jameson High

Jameson High

Jameson High

Introduction: Hello, my name is Adilene (just call me Adi), I’m a 5’6” brunette of athletic build with a firm butt and large 54 E-cup breasts. I attend Jenna Jameson Sex Academy here in the year 2035. In the years since you’ve read this, the world has changed quite a lot. Starting in 2021 China overtook the United States as the dominant economy, power crises have ended with the widespread use of both fusion and fission power techniques; racial and sexual differences have been almost entirely resolved worldwide, and Japan’s centuries old traditions of sexual freedom have enlightened the world. Overall, we now live in a utopian society where even the most mysterious diseases such as cancer and AIDS have been wiped out.
My story begins now at my errr… school I guess you could call it where I serve my mistress Alexandra (she goes by Alex usually). At the uhh… school, each student chooses what sexual preference they wish to study in and wear a colored robe for whatever they choose. Green for lesbians, Purple for gays, Blue for straight males, and Pink for straight girls (any crossing over of these result in a robe with a colored sash on it). After choosing sophisticated psychological and physiological profiling determine whether you will be dominant or submissive. At an early age I knew I was a lesbian (even going as far as spying on my older, more developed sisters).
Anyway, back to Alex, when I first registered for the academy I met her. We met accidentally, but I sometimes wonder if it was the spirits above that brought us together that day, when we ended up sitting next to each other for the sorting into pairs (1 dominant and 1 su. I was instantly attracted to this 5’9” redheaded goddess with almost no breasts to speak of but with an ass that no black man in your time could deny. As we were sorted we began talking and quickly became friends and after what seem like hours but, was most likely just a few short minutes, I heard my name called, “Adilene Morales, as a submissive lesbian, will be paired with Alexandra Montenegro, a dominant lesbian.” My eyes shot wide open as I heard the news that I would be with this beautiful woman every night for the next four years. We looked at each other and there was an awkward silence between us when she eventually licks her ruby red lips and says, “Weellll…, as your mistress, my first order is for you to eat my pussy”, as she slips her green robe off of her lithe figure and spreads her legs to reveal her trimmed pussy and engorged clit. “My pleasure, Mistress…” I say diving between her silky thighs without hesitation.
My lips latch onto her clit sucking and tonguing while my fingers inch their way up her smooth legs to finally reach their mark. I slide my index and middle fingers inside and listen to her moans while she tries to tell me not to stop. “P-p-please *moan* d-don’t stop, I’m soooo close!!” I curl my fingers inside of her, massaging her G-spot, while she screams out her orgasm. As she slowly comes down from her orgasm, we both look around noticing all the smiling faces around us (even some of the boys in purple), we both blush (just because of our freedom of sexuality makes public sex okay, doesn’t prevent long instilled human embarrassment from surfacing. “I can’t wait to return the favor and then some tonight,” she whispers, “You and me both,” I answer.
Chapter 1: Well back to now, as I said Alex is my mistress, best friend, and lover; what I didn’t say, was that she is the daughter of one of the wealthiest businesswomen in the country (guess dominance runs in the family). Being so wealthy has its perks such as access to any nanite implants she wants, her own large off-campus flat where we stay, and any “toys” that she may want. She takes care of me like family and when we graduate we intend to be just that. One way is the thrice-daily fucks that I’m going to tell you about.
We’ve developed a sort of routine for most days; I wake up at 6:00 a.m. on the dot and get breakfast ready like a good sub. When breakfast is ready I go to wake her up (Usually involving my tongue, her pussy, and two or more of my fingers). After eating she goes back to sleep and I leave for my sex training classes, since I intend to become a stay at home wife and mother, I need to be as proficient as possible. After class I return to the flat and make lunch and wake her up again, this time she wakes up, gets her double-cock strap-on (Yes, that’s two cocks on the same strap-on), and double penetrates my ass and cunt and we rut like bitches in heat. After multiple orgasms for both of us (The futuristic dildo allows her to actually feel like she has a real penis), we eat lunch and she goes off to her dom classes, they come with perks too, while I clean the home, go to the grocer and run errands. She arrives home in time for dinner and a deep loving fuck using her nanite modification to grow a cock (Nice, but not capable of multiple orgasms), she prefers anal sex, being a redhead and all, and my wish is her command. The day ends usually with us falling asleep in each other’s arms, me with about a quart of cum in my ass and her with a satisfied feeling in her dick

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