A new life part III

A new life part III

"Wake up wickram" I woke up to my mum s voice. Shit, how long did I slept?? I looked at the clock and it was 8.30. I hurried to the bathroom and got ready. Today I was going to see if I could join the cricket practises. I hoped it would help me to make some friends. It was freezing outside.I walked to the school.
"Hi wick,good morning!!" to my suprise Meili was near the gate with another girl. She was a white girl with really pretty blonde hair. "Good morning" , "Wick, this is Kate. She is the one I sat next to on my first day, and Kate,this is Wick,He moved here couple of days ago." "Hi im glad to meet you Kate.how come I didn't see you yesterday?" "Oh I was absent. So Mei says you came from India.
how do you like it here?" "So far it sucks. if it wasn't for Meili I would be willing to go back" "Oh don't worry, it l get better, see you guys later ok ? Jake should be here any minute now." "Jake is her boyfriend" Meili said once Kate left. Meili was wearing a top that gave a better cleavage than yesterday. I was looking down there. "Hey wick, are you alright??" Meili caught where my eyes were. "Oh you perv. you like it??" she said with an grin. I was speechless. "we'll see what we can do about it!!"
the bell rang. shit now we have to go to the class. " I'll teach you a good lesson" Meili said winking before starting to walk towards the classes. I couldn't make myself to talk to her, I was scared to death and at wondering what that wink meant.
I sat next to her as yesterday and she didn't talk to me at all. She was with Kate and Jake. Jake was nearly 6'4 and looked like a giant to me. I couldn't concentrate about any of the lessons. I kept looking at Meili's cleavage. She often caught my eyes and had a seductive look. She even bent forward to give me a better look. wow

My concentration on her boobs suddenly stopped after feeling a hand on my thighs. My heart skipped a beat. Meili was running her hand towards my groin. oh shit!! I couldn't believe she would do that in the classroom. luckily we were at the last row and it was harder to anyone else to see. She cupped my dick through pants and gave a squeeze.Sending me to heaven for a second. She took her hand away and whispered in my ear, " follow me once the bell rings" Now I was shocked. And hard. shit.
The bell rang. Millie looked at me and stood up walked away. I got up immediately and starters following her. it was the interval and all were going to the canteen. but She was heading towards somewhere I didn't know. She walked past a ground. and stopped. She was near a small building next the ground and she opened a door which seemed to leading to a dark room, Telling me to come in . I looked around to see if some one was near and got in.
"shhhh, now you are going to suffer you piece of shit." Meili whisperd. "What the hell." She held my mouth and kissed me. I almost gagged on her tounge as she shoved it in really forcefully. her hand found my zipper and immediately took my dick out. She was squeezing it so hard that it really hurt me. she sucked on my tounge and spittted in my mouth. " you are going to do what I tell ok?" If you disobey I'll cut this little dick of yours'" I was seriously shocked.
She slapped me.My dick was harder than ever . She took my hand and kept it on her chest. "Now take off my top, motherfucker." I shockingly obeyed.
The room was dark but I could see her fun bags trying to tear off the bra.She unhooked it and threw it away. her boobs came into view. They were bigger than shashi s and had a pink areola with slightly brownish nipple standing proud on each. "What you waiting for??? suck on em"and she pushed her boobs on my face. I moved my mouth near her boobs and drew circles around her nipple using my tounge.Slowly working my way to the treat. I kissed her nipple and sucked on it. She was stroking my dick so hard that I was afraid she would actually pull off the foreskin. I was busy sucking on her now hard nipple. we only had a twenty minute interval. She suddenly slaped my dick and told to lay down. she was wearing a skirt. She slowly took her panty off walked towards me and stuffed it in my mouth. It tasted like her pussy. Her salty, yet bitter juices awakened my taste buds.She lowers herself on me...
It was the first time my dick felt a warm wet pussy.Her juices soaked my dick. She literally pulled my dick and put it in her.
I never imagined my first time would be like this. Meili seemed really innocent but now she s the devil slut who was raping me. Oh my god I was being raped!
My dick was starting to hurt as she was jumping up and down on me screaming. "Fuck you wick ahhhhhh yeah you feel so good" I was trying to speak but her panty got in the way...I tried to take it out but, "Don't u dare ahhhhhh ......take it out you shitty manwhore I want you to suck my panty errr dry....drink my juices bitch". I did, I was helpless. she was starting to shake.
" I'm ,,,,,, Cumming!!! thrust hard!! mmmm yeah like that fucker!! I had nothing else to do than doing what she said.."errrr ahhhhhh fuck fuck.....AHAHAHHHHHHHH.... She suddenly got off my dick and the next thing I knew was a warm stream of fluid washed my face.I immediately closed my eyes. " fuuaaaaah kkkkkk !!!!" I opened my eyes. They were covered in some sticky fluid. It was all over my face and hair. I opens my eyes to see her hairy pussy wet and shining in front of me. "Good, Now get your worthless ass outta here." She grabbed me by my dick and pulled until I stood up.I was still hard as I hadn't cum.She slapped my dick again and again , gave a squeeze on my balls. Wore her bra pulled her skirt up and left.
I was left, my face sticky and smelling like her pussy. I had a panty in my mouth and my balls were in pain from that squeeze. I was raped.
I could not believe what just happened. I heard the bell rang. Shit. I pulled my pants on quickly...my dick was getting soft.I put meili s panty in my pocket and slowly came out of the room. I didn't even knew how to get to my class again.
I found a washroom near the ground.I looked in the mirror to see my face covered in her juice and pubic hair. Eww gross . I washed my face and adjusted my clothes. "Hey you're Wick right ?" I looked up to find a guy looking at me. " yeah you are ....?" " Jake, Kate s boyfriend" " oh ok," He had a bat in his hands. " you play cricket?" I asked. "Oh yeah, I just came to take a wash, We have practise these days for the inter school tournament." I looked at my watch, I was late for biology. " nice to meet you Jake,I really should go now. Can you please tell me how to get to the biology labs?" " right down the Hall you will get to the labs." " thanks man I need to talk to you about cricket, I'll catch up with you later."
I hurried to the biology labs building . it was easy to find.I went in to the zoology lab to find Meili drawing an diagram like nothing just happened. she didn't even care to look at me. " you are late wick," Mr Richard said looking at me with an unpleasant look. shit ....." um.. im really sorry sir I was looking for a washroom and I actually found it difficult to find my way back" I saw Meili smiling to herself. I couldn't believe her. " shut up and go sit over there" he made me sit near a guy who was busy with drawing too . I went there and sat down.Err fuck I forgot my books. I was about to ask Mr Richards to go get them but Kate came over, "Hey I got your books wick" " Oh. ,,,thanks Kate. Thank you very much" " you're welcome. oh and by the way.. wait for me after the class" Why would she ask me to do that ........I was again wondering......

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