My Lovely Daughter Leia - Part 2 Pseudo Wedding Night

My Lovely Daughter Leia - Part 2 Pseudo Wedding Night

Part 2, our pseudo wedding night
Leia walked out of the hotel, holding my arm as I pushed the stroller. I could only thank my lucky stars, because I felt deeply tied to my daughter. We had been through a lot and now everything was coming up roses. We asked the concierge about a nice place to walk to for lunch and he directed us to a little café’ several blocks away from the Dorchester. We sat and ate a small lunch, feeding the boys bits of apple and oranges. We were talking about different things and it seemed to me, we already looked like a happily married couple with their children. As we paid our bill and about to leave the hostess remarked to Leia, what a beautiful family she had. Leia thanked her and then told the hostess that we’re in London looking for a house. We left shortly afterwards and walked the several block to Mayfair and then into Hyde Park. We sat on a park bench and let the boys out to venture around, while I wrapped my arm around Leia’s shoulder. She rested her head against my shoulder and I could sense she was enjoying this. Conner came back to Leia, who picked him up and sat him on her lap. She kissed his head and sat there, with me. Rodney came over and I picked him up and sat him on my lap. Leia leaned over and kissed him too.

It was about 5pm and I looked at Leia and she looked at me, and I said, “Honey how about we go back and have dinner in our room tonight?” Leia again just nodded, saying, “I’d like that Joe.” So I put the children in the stroller and we walked back to the hotel. Once there I played with the boys until dinner was brought up to us. Leia bathed them and put the PJ’s on. I rolled their cots into our room. Then we sat down and had our dinner. I asked for expensive champagne and candles as part of our meal, to be romantic for Leia. Leia came out in just her panties and bra, then sat at table and we ate our dinner.

After dinner Leia and I sat down and enjoyed our champagne together. I looked at Leia and leant over and kissed her lightly on the mouth. Leia touched my face and kissed me lightly on my lips. Then she said, “Do we have another shower now or wait?” I said, “No let’s have our shower now.” We drank the champagne and then went into bathroom, stripped off and entered the shower. As we started the shower I drew Leia into my arms and kissed her hard on the lips. Leia kissed me back just as hard. As we held each other, Leia let go of my body and reached down, taking hold of my cock, squeezing it hard, my cock never felt so rigid.

I finished our kiss and kissed my way to her neck, where I started nibbling on her ear lobe. Then I moved down and kissed and nibbled on her neck. Each time I nibbled Leia would moan, and squeeze my cock harder. I looked up at Leia and said, “Honey will you jack me please.” Leia said, “How do I do that daddy.” I loved the way she called me daddy. I told her how to pump my cock, and she started pulling me off. I returned to Leia’s neck and started biting and then sucking.

I lowered my head to her closest nipple, and took it into my mouth. I chewed and sucked on it, with Leia moaning the whole time. I raised my head and kissed her on the lips again. Leia said, “Daddy, spray my pussy again please.” I just smiled and unhooked the flexible shower hose off the wall. I checked the temperature of the water again. As I began to aim it at her pussy, I took hold of Leia’s shoulder and she melted into me. I released a long blast of warm water at her pussy and Leia moaned again. So, I blasted her once more and she gave a louder, longer moan. Now I hit her pussy once more time, with a longer blast from the hose. Leia went rigid, stiffening from what I thought may have been her first orgasm. And she opened her mouth, saying, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.”

Leia’s legs started to go wobbly from orgasm. I held onto her and dropped the hose to the shower floor. Leia held onto me and smiled weakly. I said, “Did you like that baby?” She nodded her head. I held her in my arms and kissed her deeply on the mouth. Leia then snuggled into me. I said, “Common darling let’s get you to bed, huh?” Leia just nodded.

We left the shower and I took the towel we used before and started drying off Leia, rubbing her tits with it and then her pussy. I could tell that she enjoyed that just as much. After I dried her and myself we went back to our bed. I laid her down and then got next to her. I held her in my arms as I started kissing her again. When I stopped kissing her I lowered my mouth to her nearest nipple, which I took into my mouth. I started sucking them. I held the nipple in my mouth as I began to sucked, chewed and pulling on it with my teeth. Leia began to moan at my attention to her nipple, so I switch to the other one and got the same response. I placed my free hand and started to rub her mound, which caused her moan even harder. I placed a finger into her pussy and let it slide in and out several times. On the last time I felt her hymen. I withdrew my finger and thought to give my baby girl a taste of my tongue.

So I lowered my head down her body and every so often I kissed her body, until I was lying between her legs and facing her virgin pussy. I placed my lips over her pussy and started to let my tongue lick the inside of her of her canal. I pushed my tongue as far as it would go, and I could feel Leia stiffen every so often. Then I took her clitoris, which by now had stiffened to a hard nob. I placed my teeth and lips around this little nob of pleasure and started sucking and flicking my tongue upon it. All most at once Leia grabbed my head and froze as she experienced another orgasm. Her orgasm must have been the biggest one yet, because she moaned the loudest, saying, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.” It took her a while to calm down. As soon as she was calm enough, I started to raise myself, kissing her along the way, until I was above her, looking straight into her eyes.

I kissed her deeply on the lips and after we broke our kiss, she said, “Daddy, make love to me please. I do want to be your wife.” At that I placed the head of my cock to the entrance of her pussy, and said, “Darling this will hurt, but not for long.” At that I started to thrust as slow as I could, until reached her hymen. I looked into her eyes and then kissed her deeply. As we shared this kiss, I thrust through her hymen, breaking it and going deeper into her. Her pussy was so tight. I stopped and waited until Leia had stopped groaning into my mouth, before I started again. When she did, I found it hard to thrust all the way in. It took me several goes before I could reach the end of her love canal.

Leia was still in some pain, but as I started to withdraw and thrust back into her she started to like the feeling. I say this because her groaning was replaced by her moans and encouragement. She was saying, “Oh daddy. Daddy make me your wife, make me your wife.” Soon I was thrusting harder into and I whispered, to her, ”Darling, placed your legs around my back.” Leia did this and found that she could also thrust back at me, pushing our groins together. Soon we were grinding our hips together. Then, all sudden, Leia pulled down of her legs and she froze, moaning and grinding her teeth.
Her pussy grabbed and tightened around me, at the same time, which really sent me over the edge. I had pushed down as far as I could go, when I shot my seed deep into her womb. Leia was still moaning, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.” I lay there in the grasp of Leia’s arms and legs. I waited, kissing her on the lips, neck and ear lobes, until she was more herself. When she released me I extracted myself from her newly used pussy and lay next to her. As I was lying there, Leia rolled over and lay on my chest. I waited for a few more minutes when she said, ”Daddy that was incredible. Please do it to me again.” I said, “I will darling but let’s rest a little bit. Ok.” She said, “Sure. I need a little break too.” And then we fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was morning and the sun was up. The boys were still asleep which was lucky. So, needing to urinate, I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. After, I started the shower, when Leia came in, sat on the toilet and urinated. Then she cleaned herself and jumped into the shower with me. I wrapped my arms her and she did the same to me.

We started kissing, when Leia took hold of my cock and started pumping me, till I was hard. I lowered my hand and started rubbing her mound, dipping my finger, every so often, into her pussy. We both started to get excited, when I told Leia to turn around so I could fuck her from the rear. Leia turned around and bent over a little bit. Then I placed my cock at her pussy entrance, and pushed into her. Her pussy was still tight and now wet. I grabbed her hips and started thrusting in. I leaned over her and wrapped one hand around her and then down to her mound. I found her clit and started rubbing it.

Leia was now pushing back against me. Soon we were in unison, as I was thrusting into her, she was pushing back, taking as much of my cock as she could. I could feel my seed rising and ready to shoot into her. She froze then and her pussy tightened around my cock, starting to milk it. She made her loud moan and I pushed as hard and as far as I could into her. Then I shot my load into her unprotected womb. I held onto Leia until she was finished. I pulled out of her and she turned around. I took hold of Leia again and kissed her on the lips.

As we were holding each other, Leia said something funny, “Daddy do you want another baby?” I thought about it and looked into Leia’s eyes, I said, “Honey, yes would you have children with me.” She looked into my eyes and kissed me. When she broke our kiss she said, “Yes daddy. Anything for you, I’ve always loved you so very much.” It was then that one of the boys had woken up and started crying. She said, “I better go and looking after our boys.” As she left the shower and I tapped her on the arse. Leia looked behind her and giggled like a little girl, wrapped a towel around her and went out to look after our son’s.

Part 3, House Hunting

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