The Barbie Lez Fantasies - Week 104: Lexi Lust & Sexxi Lexxi

The Barbie Lez Fantasies - Week 104: Lexi Lust & Sexxi Lexxi

Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all.

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-103”.


Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now…

I have two best friends. Lexi Lust and Sexxi Lexxi. For the longest time I managed to keep the perverse nature of my writing from them, but it was not meant to last. This is the story of how they discovered how I spend my days writing perverse stories of lesbianism, bestiality and incest.

My friends—their names are not really Lexi Lust and Sexxi Lexxi, but for the purposes of this story, that is how I will refer to them—and I had known each other since childhood. We were just about as close as three friends can be.

I know what you’re picturing—three beautiful young women having pillow fights in their underwear—but real life is seldom that perfect. As much as I would have loved to see my friends strip down to their bras and panties for a good old-fashioned pillow fight, it was not meant to be.

Over the years I was lucky enough to see them in nothing but their skivvies, yet that was as far as things ever got. They knew I was a lesbian and, though I seriously doubt they were afraid I would make a move on either one of them, they were always careful when disrobing in my presence. That left me with only one option. Fantasizing!

I have lost count of how many times I fantasized about my friends over the years, but the number must be up there with picturing myself sharing an intimate moment with a studly canine. When they first discovered the true nature of my writing, they bugged me for days, wanting to know which of my many published fantasies were about them. But I never told them. There are just some things that are better kept secret. This fantasy is the only one they will ever have concrete proof is about them.

I managed to keep the true nature of my writing concealed for over two years. Then, one day, Lexi and Sexxi showed up. They insisted on reading some—any—of my published works, claiming they wouldn’t leave until they got what they came for.

I was terrified. Instinctively, I evaded the situation in the only way I knew how; I started to fantasize. I knew my friends would be waiting for me back in the real world, but I was determined to delay the inevitable for as long as possible.

Fantasy Lexi and Fantasy Sexxi stared at me with the same expectant expression as their real world counterparts. But unlike my real friends, I knew a little concentration would put an end to their curiosity and bring smiles to their lips. Sure enough, they were soon grinning at me.

I took a step back and looked my friends up and down. Their clothes were gone, leaving only a pair of revealing bra and panty sets. One was pink, the other orange. My friends looked hotter than ever. The more I stared at them, the more aroused I got. It only took a few seconds before their alluring appearance got too much for me to handle.

Momentarily forgetting about my real world troubles, I rushed over to my friends and literally tackled them to the ground. Before they could figure out what was happening, I had pulled them in for a passionate, three-way kiss. Exploring both their mouths at once proved more difficult than I initially accessed, but I refused to give up, alternating between my two friends until I knew every nook and cranny by heart.

I’m not quite sure how it happened, but when our lips finally parted, both my friends were naked. My clothes had also vanished, leaving the three of us fully nude and ready for what I had no doubt would be a very enjoyable few minutes.

By the time I scrambled to my feet, something else had changed. Lexi and Sexxi were still naked, only now two massive strapons were attached to their bodies. I eyed the silicone shafts as they slowly neared my body. I was desperate to feel them inside me, but I knew the sooner this fantasy ended, the sooner I would have to face the real world and that was the last thing I wanted. Doing the only thing I could think of, I dropped to my knees and grabbed the strapons as soon as they were within range.

My friends played along, letting me suck on their “cocks”. In fact, they did more than just allow it; they egged me on.

“Suck it!” commanded one of them as I sucked her strapon.

“Deeper!” ordered the other as I switched to her toy.

This went on for a while. I knew it was a pointless maneuver, yet I was desperate to keep the fantasy going for as long as possible. But each time one of those large plastic members slid past my lips, a little more arousal was lured to my body. As much as I struggled to keep it at bay, it eventually convinced me the time had come to escalate things.

“Fuck me,” I finally begged, moments after I had pulled away from my friends’ shafts for the final time.

Lexi and Sexxi peered down at me with eager grins. I could see the lust in their eyes and instantly knew they wanted me just as bad as I wanted them. Thank god for the power of fantasy.

They didn’t give me time to get ready. They rushed over to me and tackled me to the ground. I experienced a moment of déjà vu before I was forced onto my hands and knees. I barely had time to figure out Lexi lay beneath me before she pulled my in for a passionate kiss. By the time our lips parted, her strapon was stuffed deep inside my pussy. Sexxi had taken advantage of my distracted state to slide her own “cock” into my ass. She now rocked back and forth, slowly sliding the toy in and out of me rectum while my other friend did the same to my pussy.

It was too much for me to handle. I started to moan as an orgasm began growing within me. I’m not sure how long it took, but it eventually reached the point of no return. By then, my friends were savagely pounding me, making me moan at the top of my lungs as I squirmed and trembled.

Then I climaxed and all hell broke loose. I began thrashing around as shrill cries shot past my lips. Moments later, squirt after squirt of cum shot past my lower lips, sending the hot orgasmilk flying through the air. I cannot confirm this because my eyes were closed, but I am convinced the hot nectar flew high into the air before raining down upon us.

It was one of the most intense orgasms of my life. Perhaps it was because I was desperate to keep it going as long as humanly possible. Perhaps it had something to do with the two massive strapons darting in and out of me. Or perhaps it was simply because I loved my friends dearly and this intense pounding made me feel closer to them than ever before—even if it was only a fantasy.

It was a blissful experience, but it eventually came to an end when one of my friends—not the fantasy version, but the real, flesh-and-blood version—spoke. It took a second before I figured out what she had just said. My cheeks turned red when I finally realized she had asked if I was having one of my fantasies—they knew about my overpowering daydreams, though they had yet to learn they were the stars of quite a few. It took a while, but I eventually opted for a truthful answer. I nodded.

“Enough fantasizing,” said Lexi.

Sexxi nodded in agreement.

“It’s time for the truth.”

I sighed. I could have come up with a relatively plausible excuse for not letting them read my kinky tales, but I was tired of all the lies. It was time I told them the truth. The whole truth. All I could do was hope they understood why I had lied to them for the past two years.

I took a deep breath, then said three simple words.

“I write erotica.”

It took a few seconds before they reacted. When they finally did, their lips curled into smiles. Relief washed over me. In that moment, I realized everything would be all right. Lexi and Sexxi were my two best friends and nothing would ever make them think any less of me. I was a little surprised when they accepted the perverse nature of my stories, yet the biggest surprise came in the form of their desire to learn the trade. I was stunned, but willingly agreed to teach them all I knew about self-publishing.

Our business partnership is still quite new and I have no idea where it will lead us. All I know for sure is that sharing our kinky tales with one another—and the world—has brought us closer together than ever before. We are now more than three friends. More than three authors. We are Triple Erotica.


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. A new fantasy will be published each week, so make sure to check back every so often.

Have a horny day,

Barbie Lez

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