My media assignment.

My media assignment.

I got a call to come into my editor’s office for a meeting with Mr Giles. I had been working on the local newspaper for 6 months so naturally I was nervous. I wondered what I had done wrong, such was my negativity. “Rachael, please sit down” he said as I walked in. I sat trembling inside as I waited for what I thought would be bad news. “Rachael, I saw your piece on greyhound racing and live baiting” he said “it was brilliant”. I think they would have heard my sigh of relief in the next building. “You obviously have a love of animals” he added. “Yes sir” I said. “Well I have the perfect assignment for you” he went on “it will be undercover involving rumours of women having sex with dogs”.

I sat stunned for a second or three. “Sex with dogs?” I exclaimed. The very concept was so far out of my experience as to be unbelievable”. “Yes” he said “there is a rumour that a small group of women meet secretly to engage in bestiality. I want you to find out if the rumours are true. Can you do it?” I immediately said yes, although I had no idea how to go about it. He added “you will have to find a way to get into this group, if it exists, and get evidence. I don’t imagine it will be dangerous but just be careful anyway”. He then gave me a website address. “This will show you what it all about so you know what to look for. Good luck. Now go and get me a story”.

I walked back to my desk. Excited about having the confidence of my boss but shocked that he thought something like bestiality was going on in our town. I decided not to open the website in the office, preferring to check it out after work. I rushed home and logged on to my laptop. I put in the address and sat shocked at what I saw. There were videos of bestiality. I opened one and what I saw had be dumbfounded. A woman, completely naked, on her hands and knees and moaning as this huge dog had sex with her. It was real as a close-up showed his cock inside her with his sort of lump holding him inside. “My God” I said out loud. I looked at two more and they seemed to be the same. The last one even had a woman actually performing oral sex on a dog.

I decided that if I wanted to know more I would need to do some research. I put in key words and found out that it was all over the internet with specific sites showing women, even men, having sex with not only dogs but horses and even pigs. I discovered that that lump was called a knot and a dog used it to stay attached to a bitch, or human, until he had cum. Horses cocks had flared ends which pretty much did the same thing. Pigs had this long thin cock with a sort of corkscrew on the tip. That was so weird. I went back to the site and spent hours checking out what I had discovered. How a woman could even fit a horse’s cock into her pussy was a total mystery. But was my brief was to find out about some secret group of women who entertained dogs.

Having seen that bestiality was real I now needed to find a way to seek out this supposed group. I sat at my desk scratching my head. Where to start? I was flicking through the newspaper when I saw an ad for a dog breeding business. Could it be this easy? Just walk in and ask “excuse me but do you have dogs that hump women?” I looked at the ad and thought “well I can at least ask without being so direct. Maybe just poke around and see what turns up”. I reported to Mr Giles, telling him my progressing in learning about bestiality and how I would check on this breeder surreptitiously and hopefully learn if the business was somehow involved. “OK Rachael” he said “but remember, be careful as don’t expect these women to like being outed”. I promised I would be fine.

I approached the dog breeding business saying I wanted to know more information without explaining why I wanted to know. “Do you do outside work?” I asked “you know, bringing dogs to someone’s home”. “Oh yes” the woman Mona said “we get all sorts of requests”. I thought about that. “All sorts of requests” she said. “Hmm, what sorts of requests” I wondered. You would be surprised at some of the requests we get” she added. I began to think I was on to something. Dog breeding was one thing and not “all sorts”. Then she stunned me. “Maybe I could suggest someone to talk to” she said “Adele would help you out”. I got this Adele’s address and phone number. Called her I was told that the next day would be convenient and she would explain what Mona was talking about. I excitedly told Mr Giles that I thought I had found a way to find out for sure if these rumours were true.

The next day I went to meet Adele. She was maybe 35 or so and smartly dressed. “So what do you want to know?” she asked. I wasn’t sure how to answer her without being obvious. “I tell you what” she said “come with me” and she led me down the hallway into a large room at the rear of the house. There were several chairs with a low bench in the middle of the room. “I think you might know what happens here” she suggested. I certainly did. I had seen a bench like that in several bestiality videos. “Why don’t you just lay down on the bench?” she said. I was getting nervous. It seemed so easy finding out what happened here. I knelt down and laid across the bench. She wrapped this belt around me tying me down. “We use this belt to ensure the woman cannot move and injure the dog” she explained.

I said I understood and asked her to remove the belt. “Oh not yet my dear” came this voice behind me. I looked up as a woman walked in front of me. “Hello Rachael” and I gasped. Standing there was Mr Giles’s wife Maria. “Henry told me all about you little assignment” Maria said “nice of you to keep us informed. By the way he doesn’t know I am involved with dogs my dear. Naturally I will have to make sure you will not tell him. I think a practical demonstration which I will film will ensure you keep my secret. Adele and Mona are part of this too. So Adele, let’s get started”. I heard Adele walk out of the room and a minute later she walked back followed by two German Shepard dogs. “Look boys” Adele said “look, I have a new bitch for you both”.

I tried to struggle but I had no hope of escape. I pleaded to be released. “I promise I will not say anything” I said “I will tell Mr Giles that the rumours are not true”. “Sorry my dear” said Maria “we cannot take the chance. Anyway I think you will like to know what bestiality is all about. Experience it for real instead of staring at video don’t you agree”. She walked around behind me, lifted my skirt up and pulled down my panties. “Which one first Adele? She said “let’s see if Rachael likes some nice big dog cock”. Again I pleaded to be let go to no avail. It was obvious that they intended to make it impossible for me to tell anyone what was happening. “OK Adele. Line up the first dog and I will take photos on my mobile”. “Come on boy. Come and mount this bitch” said Adele.

I knew what would happen next. The dog mounted me and began to trust. Obviously fully trained he found his target and began to hump me vigorously. I screamed as I felt his cock press inside me. “NO NO” I squealed but nothing would stop him now. He was in total control as he fucked me like nothing had before. I began to moan as my body began to respond to this unnatural intrusion. “Look Adele, I think she is enjoying it” I heard Maria say. And to my shame she was right. Then I felt his knot pressing against me. It rubbed against my clit and I orgasmed. Then I screamed again as he pushed that large lump inside me. Then he stopped moving. I knew what that meant. He was cumming. His cock was sort of twitching as he came three, no four, times. He tried to pull away several times before he succeeded. I could feel his deposit seeping out of me.

I again pleaded to be let loose. “Sorry Rachael but my other dog wants you too” said Adele and the next thing the second dog mounted me. Again, to my shame, I moaning as he too found my already tortured pussy and began to hump me. Again I felt his cock growing inside of me. “Oh yes, good boy” I groaned as all pretence of decorum disappeared. “Fuck me boy” I moaned “oh God yes boy”. I heard Maria laugh. “This bitch loves dog cock just like me” she said “look at that bitch enjoy being fucked by her doggy lover”. I could not deny it. I was loving it. Again I came as his knot teased my clit before being buried inside me. Again I felt the tell-tail twitching and the knowledge that he too was cumming. He finally withdrew and I just knelt there shaking all over. “Untie her Adele” said Maria “I don’t think she has to be tied any longer”.

The belt holding me down was removed. “Now Rachael, dogs have remarkable recovery powers” said Maria, who was obviously well versed “you can have a shower or the dogs will continue to pleasure you”. I struggled to my feet and said I needed a shower. I pulled up my knickers and Adele showed me where the bathroom was. I showered quickly, still buzzing from what had happened. I walked back into the room to see Maria on her knees and being serviced by one of the dogs. She was moaning and urging him on. I sat in a chair watching as my boss’s wife moaned with the pleasure of being a fully trained bitch. I have to admit that my pussy was twitching as I watched. I decided to resist the temptation of a repeat performance. As I said goodbye Maria looked over at me. “Don’t forget my dear. I have photos of you” she said.

The next day I reported to Mr Giles that I had found no evidence of bestiality. He seemed disappointed. “I think it is just a rumour” I said “an urban myth”. He thanked me for me efforts and I returned to my desk to contemplate what my next story would be. But secretly I realised that despite being set up I had enjoyed my introduction to doggy love. I now visit Adele every couple of weeks. Her dogs never fail to please me and I now enjoy having my pussy licked and last time I performed oral on one dog, after he fucked me, while his brother fucked me. There is something deliciously decadent having a dog cock in each end. Adele enjoys anal with her dogs and is trying to encourage me to try it. I am thinking about it.

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