
I awoke in my room sore from last night and grab my glasses put them on only to find i cant see its too blurry so i take them off to find out i can see better without them. DAD COME HERE FOR A SEC what is it son i dont need my glasses why what happened well its from last night the dark lord was so happy he remade you as a reward. Go take a look in the mirror i stumble out of bed look in the full mirror and notice i lost a lot of weight i look like a ultimate fighter. I hear a noaning come from behind me hay buddy u look good. I turn around hay mom good morning i give her a hug and a kiss how are doing after last night my head hurts but u look good yeah the dark lords doing.

I see thats not all that improved as her hand goes down my boxers and to my surprise my cock stands at nine and a half inches (i measured later) mom giggles and walks away. Next step is to find a mate wait what you heard me me and your mom have been together far longer than i like to admit and we met at a party right after our risin so go have fun. But know this the spells at the party are designed to pull people together who have traits that work well together. Just know if u feel a connection its best to run with it ok ok dad so where is this party im going to dad laughe its literally in your closet. Um ok? When the rising is complete a number of things become unlocked like the one in ur closet and the marks on all church official members, ok.

Then as i enter my room i feel a strange pull to my closet as i open the door to my closet i can hear music coming from the other side so i push on the wall and it opens into a dark hallway with laser lights and dubstep playing in the distance. I turned the corner to see a man standing at a double door hay cant go in there yet this is an underwear only party so strip put ur name on the bag then go on in. Apon entering the building i looked around to see half naked people grinding and fucking on the dance floor. So i make my way to the bar for a drink the bartender passes me one as i take a sip i see this cute jamaican brunette approach me my name is sandra im Thirtytwo C twentyeight thirtytwo are you interested why yes i am care to dance i would love too as she grabs my hand and pulls me to the center of the dance floor and starts grinding her ass on my crotch. I put my hands on her waist so what brings you here handsome um i was urged by my father the high priest wow wow wait Darrell is your father yup.

She turns to face me wraps her arms around me looks into my eyes, please let me blow you im so horny right now sure go ahead she smiles drops to her knees pulls out my cock with a shocked look on her face and starts sucking. i put my hands on her head i notice people are watching this ebony beauty suck my cock. Im going to blow my load she pulls my cock out of her mouth and starts jerking me off, cum on my tits so i do just that i blow my load all over her tits and face.

She stands up what do you say to a real date with me sure name a time and place how about after church on sunday we go in the forest and have some real fun? Sounds good. Can i get your number maybe after church see you sugar i can't help but stair at her ass as she walks away i do the same and head back to my room.

I heard knocking come on in the door opens up and mom pops her head in so how was is it did you get laid? No but i did get a blowjob from a jamaican girl Sandra i think her name is Sandra. yeah i know sandra but what you don't know is that her father doesn't like your dad. oh well he is going to have to suck it up because we are going on a date after church through the woods mmm have fun just use protection and leave your dad up to me. In the meantime im really horny do u want to fuck sure anal? Oh yes please as Karen drops her panties she falls to her knees. I start walking towards my mother drop my boxers grab her ass and start pushing my cock inside.

Mom starts moaning your cock feels so big yeah and ur ass is so tight. I start fucking her faster and faster when the door opens, its dad hay john Sandra is here for you and im going out do you guys need or want anything. No hunny just this orgasm fuck me harder john she yells as i pick up the pace send her in as dad leaves the door opens and Sandra stands in the doorway. That is so hot as she takes off her fishnet dress with no bra. She grabs her breast with one hand and shoves the other down her thong to finger her pussy.

My mom motioned her with one finger sandra takes off her thong and drops in front of my mom and Karen starts eating her pussy. I start fucking her harder and harder till i cum in my moms ass and Sandra cums on her face. Karen rolls over and i go down on the very hole that birthed me and Sandra starts licking moms nipples its not long till karen cums on my face. After the three of us get up and get a shower first my mom then me and Sandra. While i was washing sandras back she turned to me don't forget about after church tomorrow dont worry i won't.

After the shower the three of us were sitting around the table. Sandra starts talking to my mom about the festival of pleasure were fourteen members of the damnd have an orgy in the woods to please the old gods and one lucky female will be granted a pregnancy. The next high priest oh you and john should participate well i was hopeful that he would want to do that for our date tomorrow night. Yeah im willing to participate as long as its ok with you mom sure i dont see a problem with it just run it by your dad first. As the door opens run what by me hunny oh just the festival of pleasure what do you think of John taking Sandra? Fine by me as long as John mans up and tells her dad Paul.

Ok well time to meet your dad lets go YAY we can teleport thru your closet so we go into my room and she opens my closet door and it leads into her bedroom. We step thru the barrier into her house go out the door and down the stairs into the livingroom where her mom and dad are snuggling on the couch. Hi daddy whatever you want the answers no he says with a grin his wife Sandy smacks him oh be nice ok ok what do you want beautiful. You said I could go to the festival of pleasures if i found a suitable person well i have this is John. Hello sir im- dont bother i know who you are and the answer is still no.

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